What's happening in the Timbrell Park Precinct?
There's lots planned for the Timbrell Park Precinct — click on the icons on the map below to learn more.

Ongoing Precinct Projects
Parking Study
Improvements for traffic, parking and pedestrians
Findings from the Traffic, Parking and Pedestrian Study have been incorporated into the Masterplan for the Timbrell Park Precinct, which was adopted by Council on 20 August 2024.
Council had been receiving feedback from the community regarding parking and traffic challenges around Timbrell Park, especially during sporting events.
To investigate this further, the City of Canada Bay engaged an independent consultant to undertake a Traffic, Parking and Pedestrian study. Site audits across the precinct were taken to observe travel behaviours, and data was collected on traffic volume, parking and pedestrian activity during weekdays and on the weekends. Data review of peak parking occupancies, duration, traffic, and pedestrian flow have identified challenges and opportunities listed in the study's recommendations.
The recommendations include:
- New pedestrian crossings to increase pedestrian safety and amenity
- Speed humps to manage vehicular speeds and increase safety for all road users
- Angled parking spaces along Henley Marine Drive to increase parking capacity for the community
View the Traffic, Parking and Pedestrian Study.
We asked for community feedback on these recommendations from 29 September - 12 November 2023. Take a look at the consultation report to see a summary of what we heard.
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
View the Traffic, Parking and Pedestrian Study.
What is a road reserve?
The road reserve is the area ‘reserved’ for facilities such as roads, footpaths, and associated features that may be constructed for public travel. It is the total area between boundaries. This is the land that is referred to as the public road within the NSW Roads Act 1993.
Will the recommendations from the study reduce speeding in the area?
The recommendations of the traffic study include speed humps and raised pedestrian crossings – it is the intention of these traffic calming measures to increase safety in the area by managing vehicular speed.
Will the parking spaces be timed or paid?
At this stage there will be no restrictions on the parking.
Is Council prioritising cars instead of active transport
Council has considered the needs of a variety of user groups through the Masterplan, Plan of Management and the Traffic, Pedestrian and Parking Study, and always endeavours to provide a balanced outcome for the community.
Previous consultation
In 2023 we asked for feedback on traffic and parking recommendations.
Document Library
Playing Fields
Upgrades to playing fields in Timbrell Park
Designs are underway to upgrade the playing fields.
It is recognised that the playing fields at Timbrell Park have drainage issues and struggle to maintain consistently good condition. Consistent with Council’s recently adopted Open Space and Recreation Strategy, opportunities to improve the condition and increase the capacity of the playing fields will be investigated as part of the planning process.
In October/November 2023 we conducted site investigation works and surveyed the playing fields to help inform the early planning of the playing field upgrades. We also asked the community for any suggestions or comments for Council to consider when developing concept plans for the proposed works.
Take a look at the consultation report to see a summary of what we heard.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Community consultation
29 September - 12 November 2023
Timeline item 2 - active
Concept development
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
Update community on design
Previous consultation
In 2023 we asked for feedback to consider when designing the playing field upgrades.
Living Room
A community space in Timbrell Park where everyone is welcome
The Development Application for the The LIVVIng Room was approved by the Local Planning Panel on 4 September 2023.
The Touched by Olivia Foundation is currently leading a fundraising campaign to gather the capital for the upcoming stages of the project. For more information, please visit https://www.touchedbyolivia.com.au/
The City of Canada Bay has been proudly involved with the Touched by Olivia Foundation since its launch in 2007 and our community was the first in Australia to have an all-abilities and inclusive play space at Livvi’s Place in Timbrell Park, Five Dock.
Council is now supporting the next step of their mission to create a more liveable, connected, and ultimately inclusive community with The Living Room: a community space in Timbrell Park where everyone is welcome.
The vision is to expand the social enterprise, Livvi’s Café, to support more people living with a disability or experiencing employment challenges to undergo paid internships and build practical skills in the service industry. The Livving Room will also comprise a multi-functional venue that the community can visit, hire, and enjoy year-round. Livvi’s Café’s current footprint is 30 square metres, and the footprint will grow to a larger size, dependent on the proposed uses we will explore during the design period.
We are funding the design development for this project so that we can engage our community and help to bring the best outcomes for the project and the park. Following the development and approval of a detailed design, Touched by Olivia will then lead a fundraising campaign to support the capital cost of the project.
Input from local residents, park users, community service operators, and the wider community is important and will help create a place that reflects the community’s vision and aspirations.
View the concept design for The LIVVIng Room.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Design visioning consultation
13 November - 12pm 7 December 2020
Timeline item 2 - complete
Concept designs developed
Early 2021
Timeline item 3 - complete
Concept design consultation
14 July - 1 September 2021
Timeline item 4 - complete
Concept designs finalised
March 2022
Timeline item 5 - complete
Design Development
July 2022 - March 2023
Timeline item 6 - complete
Development Application
March 2023 - September 2023
Timeline item 7 - active
Touched by Olivia to lead a fundraising campaign to support capital project delivery cost.
Timeline item 8 - incomplete
Construction Project Delivery
Document Library
The City of Canada Bay is a local government area in Sydney. We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in particular the Wangal people of the Eora nation, as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.
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1300 551 659
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1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne
8:30am-4pm weekdays
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Postal address
Locked Bag 1470, Drummoyne NSW 1470
Why are we engaging
Council is committed to ensuring those that live, work and play in the City of Canada Bay are part of the decision making process and are engaged with Council in an effective two-way flow of information.
Collaborate Canada Bay is our online tool for a dynamic and successful feedback loop.