A 10 year plan outlining the proposed upgrades, improvements and use of Timbrell Park

The draft Timbrell Park Precinct Masterplan was on public exhibition from 24 June - 21 July 2024. This draft Masterplan brings together two projects we have previously sought community feedback on - the Timbrell Park Masterplan and Traffic, Parking and Pedestrian Study.

How we collected feedback

Feedback on the draft Masterplan was collected in the following ways:

  • Online: complete the form below
  • Email: council@canadabay.nsw.gov.au (subject: Timbrell Park Precinct)
  • Talk to us: Council officers will be at the Timbrell Park Amenities building to collect feedback on Tuesday, 2 July and Wednesday, 10 July from 5-6:30pm
  • Mail: Locked bag 1470 Drummoyne NSW 1470 (please reference Timbrell Park Precinct)

The Precinct Masterplan and Plan of Management were taken to Council on 20 August 2024 where both documents were adopted. Read the meeting agenda and minutes and take a look at the adopted Masterplan and Plan of Management.

Timbrell Park is home to many significant facilities including sporting fields, inclusive play facility and café at Livvi’s Place, BMX track, passive recreation and picnic space, and an off-leash dog exercise area.

Many individuals and groups in our community visit this iconic park regularly and have a key role to play in the plan’s development.

We are developing a 10-year Plan of Management (PoM) and Masterplan (MP) – a strategic plan for the park that reflects the community’s needs now and into the future.

In 2019, we first asked for input on the draft Timbrell Park PoM and MP. The hundreds of submissions from residents, park users, sporting and community groups are captured in this community engagement report. Community feedback was then used to develop a draft PoM and MP.

The project was necessarily delayed while investigations were undertaken into a possible Aboriginal Midden before obtaining authorisation from Crown Lands to publicly exhibit the draft PoM and MP.

From 10 May - 20 June 2023 we asked for feedback on the draft Timbrell Park Plan of Management and Masterplan. Two key improvements the community requested include:

  • Playing field upgrades
  • Traffic and parking investigations

We asked for feedback on these improvements from 29 September - 12 November 2023 and findings are summarised in this community engagement report.

The draft Timbrell Park Plan of Management was placed on public exhibition from 10 May - 20 June 2023. View the draft Plan of Management.

Both the Precinct Masterplan and Plan of Management were adopted by Council on 20 August 2024.

What is a Masterplan?

A Masterplan is an illustrative representation of proposed construction and design outcomes.

It highlights long-term planning aspirations, and establishes best practice outcomes and a clear vision. A Masterplan uses community goals and desires for the project, providing spatial organisation and a plan for implementation.

Masterplans are important documents prepared using the evidence base of identified needs established through consultation with the community and stakeholders.

What is a Plan of Management?

A Plan of Management is a strategic document providing a 10 year planning and management framework for the future use, development and maintenance of areas of community and Crown Land in accordance with relevant Local Government and Crown Land legislation. Plans of Management are required for all community and Crown Land managed by Council.

How will these plans shape what happens in the future?

The new Plan of Management and Masterplan will support and improve the use of Timbrell Park for all users into the future. They will provide a framework for how the park will be used, maintained and improved over the next 10 years.

As individual elements of the plan are explored we will seek more detailed feedback from the community and relevant stakeholders to assist with design development.

Why does Council need Crown Lands authorisation?

The Local Government Act requires that any Plan of Management for a Crown reserve be referred to the NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment (as owner of the land) in draft form prior to Council placing the Plan of Management on public exhibition. This provides the landowner with an opportunity to review the draft Plan of Management to ensure its interests and governance obligations are addressed.

Project updates

Previous consultation

In 2019 and 2023 we asked for community feedback to help shape the Timbrell Park Plan of Management and Masterplan.