Construction Update – August 2023
As you might be aware the opening of this project has been staggered over the last two (2) months. This was to ensure certain areas of the facility could be opened as soon as they were safely commissioned, and certification obtained.
We are pleased to inform everyone that the facility is now complete and operational.
We are now in a defect monitoring period with the Sporting Clubs and General Community accessing the facility in its entirety.
Thank you to the Local Residents, Clubs and wider Community for their continual support in this project and for putting up with the inconveniences along the way.
We hope this facility meets and even exceeds your expectations.
We are nearing the end of the construction works. The following works remain outstanding and will be actioned this week:
- Removal of builders fences
- Removal of storage containers
- Removal of temporary toilet structures (Portable toilets will be available prior to OC)
- Finalising landscaping works and grasses areas
- Installation of curved handrails to ramps
With the above works completed, and the finalisation of required certification, Council will then be able to open this new project to the community.
In April 2021, ATCO Structures & Logistics were appointed to deliver this project on behalf of Council.
The construction of the new amenities building commenced in July 2021. The practical completion date has been revised to May 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic, heavy wet weather, and some redesigns due to unforeseen conditions have impacted project progress.
We are working with our contractor to deliver the best results for our community and park users.
During the continued construction period, Timbrell Park will remain open to the public with temporary fencing placed around the construction zone and temporary amenities installed for park users.
Sports field bookings at Timbrell Park will not be affected by the construction works. Construction works will be undertaken from Monday to Friday 7am–5pm and on Saturdays when required.
Key features of the Timbrell Park Amenities Upgrade include:
- Improved facilities for all users of Timbrell Park
- A new canteen and multi-purpose room
- Change rooms and showering facilities for male and female teams
- Upgraded public amenities
- Improved accessibility
- A bicycle repair station
- Drinking fountain with dog bowl.
The Development Application (DA2020/0137) for the Timbrell Park Amenities Building upgrade was heard at the City of Canada Bay Local Planning Plan held on Wednesday 16 December 2020. The outcomes of this meeting can be found on Council’s website here.
The following recommendation was made:
THAT the Canada Bay Local Planning Panel grant development consent to Development Application No. DA 2020/0137 for demolition of the existing amenities buildings and construction of a new amenities building with associated landscaping works at Henley Marine Drive, Five Dock, pursuant to Section 4.16(1)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 subject to the conditions of consent.
A Development Application (DA2020/0137) for the Timbrell Park Amenities Building upgrade was originally lodged in June 2020. Since this time, council officers (as the Applicant) responded to community feedback surrounding the proposed development by carrying out additional community consultation.
A steering committee was developed that included three representatives of the residents as well as sporting clubs to address concerns regarding the proposed development. The outcomes of a meeting held on the 4th August 2020 were presented at a council meeting held on the 18 August 2020. The council report is available on council's website.
Consequently, a redesign of the building was undertaken in accordance with the following resolutions adopted at the council meeting held on 18 August 2020:
1. THAT Council receive and note the report.
2. THAT Council amend the current plans to:
a) Reduce the ceiling height as far as possible whilst retaining amenity for all users in the various internal spaces, to reduce the height of the building; and
b) Reduce the sports storage area as far as possible, to reduce the overall footprint of the building.
3. THAT Council update the building plans following resolution of Item 2 above, and re-submit as part of the Development Application for public exhibition and assessment.
The key features of the redesign include:
- Reducing the size of the building;
- Reducing the height of the building;
- Relocating the barbecue facility away from the residences;
- Minimising the height of the roof to the undercover area;
- Altering the shape of the building;
- Upgrading the façade treatment to better articulate the building; and,
- Improving the landscaping treatment to the building.
The revised plans were submitted to Council’s Planning Team on 15th October 2020. The revised plans will be placed on public exhibition for a period of 21 days. After which the independent planner will review the submissions made and assess the application. For further information please refer to the FAQ section below.
The City of Canada Bay is proposing to replace the existing amenities buildings at Timbrell Park with a new, architecturally-designed, modern and high-quality amenities building. The proposed amenities building will aim to meet the needs of the community, sporting clubs and the park users as a whole.
Key features of the Timbrell Park Amenities Upgrade will include:
- Improved facilities for all users of Timbrell Park
- A new canteen and multi-purpose room
- An outdoor undercover area for spectating and wet weather protection
- Unisex change rooms and showering facilities
- Upgraded public amenities
- Improved accessibility
- A bicycle repair station
- Drinking fountains.
The project will significantly improve the park’s inclusivity and accessibility by providing shared-use facilities for the entire community to enjoy.
Completion Photos
- What are the objectives of this project?
- How is this project being funded?
- What are the benefits to the community?
- Will the public be able to use this facility?
- Who will own and maintain this facility?
- What are the key design principles?
- What are the site constraints?
- Were other locations within Timbrell Park considered?
- Why does the proposed building sit higher than the current buildings?
- Why is the new building larger than the current buildings?
- Will this project impact the way Timbrell Park is used?
- Will this proposed development impact traffic or parking?
- Has this development considered the Aboriginal heritage site in Timbrell Park?
- How was the community consulted on this project?
Further information
A Draft Community Engagement Report is being published as part of the Timbrell Park Plan of Management & Masterplan that provides detail on all feedback gathered on the building during the consultation phase. Additional information can be found in the last FAQ above. For further information, please see the Timbrell Park Plan of Management & Masterplan Collaborate page.
Be sure to follow this Collaborate page to receive email updates on the amenities building project. You can do this by clicking the "+ follow" button in the header image.