Thank you to all who contributed to our new Community Strategic Plan, Our Future 2036.

Our Future 2036 captures your vision for the future of City of Canada Bay and guides the work Council will do to get there.

To view the new plan, click here to open the document, or click here to visit our planning page on the City of Canada Bay website.

Consultation outcomes

Public exhibition

After twelve months, two rounds of community consultation and over 3,000 community submissions, our draft community-led plan was placed on public exhibition from 22 April to 20 May 2022.

Our Future 2036 captures your vision for the future of City of Canada Bay and guides the work Council will do to get there.

During exhibition, the draft plan was available to read and download. Feedback collected was used to confirm the community's vision for the City of Canada Bay. A summary of submissions and the final draft Community Strategic Plan went to the Council meeting on 28 June 2022, and the new plan was adopted.

Looking to the near future, our draft Delivery Program 2022–26 and Operational Plan 2022–23 were on exhibition at the same time, outlining how Council will deliver the community priorities outlined in Our Future 2036. The community were encouraged to provide feedback on the Delivery Program and Operational Plan on this Collaborate Canada Bay page.

Phase 2 results

The second phase of consultation ran from 22 October 2021 31 January 2022 and aimed to do three things:

  • Delve deeper into top priorities identified in phase 1
  • Confirm a vision statement for the plan
  • Consolidate key elements of the plan including strategic directions, priorities and objectives

We received 1,125 submissions from the community and a summary of what you said is provided below. The complete engagement report can be viewed here.

Phase 1 results

From 1 June –1 August 2021, we received an incredible 1,946 submissions from the community to help shape our community-led plan. Below is a summary of what you told us.

Project background

Our Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is our community-led plan, which sets out what the City of Canada Bay will look like in the future and guides all the work Council will do to get there. We're reviewing this plan and to do so, we're looking ahead to 2036.

Now's the time to have your say. Your input and ideas will be used to develop our new community-led plan, Our Future 2036.

What is our community-led plan?

The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is our community-led plan and is the highest level of planning undertaken by a local council. It sets out the community's vision and goals for the next 10+ years. All other plans developed by Council reflect and support the implementation of the CSP.

To learn more about the requirements of a Community Strategic Plan, click here.

YOUR future 2030 is our current CSP, check it out below.

Your future 2030


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community consultation

    1 June – 1 August 2021

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Report on feedback

    Community feedback is reviewed and collated

    August 2021

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Community consultation (round two)

    22 October 2021 — 31 January 2022

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Report on feedback

    February 2022

    Community feedback is reviewed and collated

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Draft plan

    March 2022

    First draft of the Community Strategic Plan is prepared

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Present draft plan to Council

    April 2022

    Draft plan presented to Council for adoption

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Public exhibition of draft plan

    April/May 2022

    Draft plan is presented online to get further feedback from the community

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    Feedback considered

    May/June 2022

    All feedback is reviewed and draft plan is amended

  • Timeline item 9 - complete

    Present final plan to Council

    June 2022

    Final plan is presented to Council for adoption

  • Timeline item 10 - complete

    Share final plan with the community

    July 2022