June 2021 - May 2022 Updates
1 June 2021
In late 2021, we consulted with surrounding residents regarding proposed works in Stanley Street, Concord, seeking further feedback regarding a potential footpath widening.
These works included upgrading the existing pedestrian crossing outside Concord Public School to a raised crossing, installing flood lighting at the crossing, and the installation of new speed cushions outside Concord High School.
Ausgrid subsequently raised concerns with Council regarding potential access impacts on their infrastructure located under the road at that location.
As an alternative, it is now proposed Council constructs speed cushions on either side of the existing pedestrian crossing. The works will also include new and upgraded fencing along the north side of Stanley Street, either side of the crossing. The proposed arrangement is shown on the attached updated plan.
This revised design meets Council’s original objectives of enhancing the safety of pedestrians and cyclists riding on-road, while providing a satisfactory outcome for the Ausgrid infrastructure.
Taking into consideration the feedback received from the community, Council no longer plans to undertake footpath widening works along Stanley Street. We will however be undertaking necessary maintenance on various sections of the footpath.
The route the Cycleway takes through Five Dock Park has been reviewed as part of further investigations. Council are proposing that the Cycleway be routed away from the playground and fitness equipment, improving safety for all park users.
As part of a separate project, Council are also investigating expanding the angled parking along Barnstaple Road adjacent to Five Dock Park. These additional car spaces would help reduce parking demand in the surrounding residential area.
For more information regarding the works around Five Dock Park, please use the link below:
In July/August 2020 we consulted with the community regarding a proposed East-West Regional Cycleway. We received valuable feedback, including ideas about how to make it even better. We were also encouraged to review particular locations further to assist in ensuring the best outcomes for the community. In October/November 2020, we consulted with the community again, about proposed works on Stanley Street, Harris Road and First Avenue.
At the Council meeting on 1 December 2020, it was resolved that construction of the Cycleway would proceed in the section between the Bay Run and Queen Elizabeth Park. This excludes locations within that where there have been significant community objections such as Harris Road, and in the section between Concord Road and Queen Elizabeth Park.
We are still investigating the route on Harris Road, and in the section between Concord Road and Queen Elizabeth Park. We will be consulting with the community again on these areas.
The construction of the route will take place in segments noting the need for further concept design work at some locations, detailed design timeframes, and to minimise community disruption. Construction of some segments is scheduled to commence in late June 2021, with the entire route anticipated to be completed by December 2022.