Round 2 consultation outcomes

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the detailed design for this space. The design has been updated following the second round of community consultation and key changes are outlined below.

Scroll down to check out some renders of what the community and play space will look like when completed.

What's changed?


  • Garbage bins will be provided throughout the space
  • There is provision made for a community garden to be installed at a later date
  • Art elements to be incorporated in the new facility.

Play areas

  • Fencing and a gate will be provided for the playground
  • Shade is included over some play areas and additional trees will be planted to provide more shade
  • Sand and water play areas will be designed to ensure slip hazards are minimised and water drains effectively.


  • Existing parking will be upgraded as part of the works. The health club will relocate to the new facility at Concord Oval in mid 2022, which will reduce the demand on existing car parking spaces.


  • Formalising the path from Coonardoo Close through to Charles Heath Reserve will be addressed when a review and masterplan for the golf course is undertaken in the near future.
  • The car park entry provides access from the Northern car park. This car park will be utilised more than it currently is when the playground opens and we will explore the use of child safe locks in this location.

Round 2 consultation materials

Click on each element to find out what it is. If you prefer, you can view the plan as a pdf here.

Detailed design

Charles Heath Reserve Masterplan

This consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas and feedback.

We have drafted a masterplan for the space and are seeking feedback on what we have included, and would also like specific input from the community on what children’s playground equipment and outdoor fitness equipment we should install. The community’s feedback will be used to develop the detailed designs. We will share these designs and seek further feedback before construction begins in 2021.

Due to social distancing measures during the COVID-19 response, we are unable to host drop-in information sessions, however we have a number of options available for providing feedback:

  • Via the feedback forms on this page
  • By post: Attention Major Projects team, City of Canada Bay Council, Locked Bag 1470, Drummoyne NSW 1470
  • By email:
  • By phone: 9911 6357 – please note this phone line is only for submitting feedback
  • Want to ask a question? Please call the Project Manager James Sullivan at 9911 6559

Round 1 consultation materials

Masterplan walk through

This consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas and feedback.

We have drafted a masterplan for the space and are seeking feedback on what we have included, and would also like specific input from the community on what children’s playground equipment and outdoor fitness equipment we should install. The community’s feedback will be used to develop the detailed designs. We will share these designs and seek further feedback before construction begins in 2021.

Due to social distancing measures during the COVID-19 response, we are unable to host drop-in information sessions, however we have a number of options available for providing feedback:

  • Via the feedback forms on this page
  • By post: Attention Major Projects team, City of Canada Bay Council, Locked Bag 1470, Drummoyne NSW 1470
  • By email:
  • By phone: 9911 6357 – please note this phone line is only for submitting feedback
  • Want to ask a question? Please call the Project Manager James Sullivan at 9911 6559


Artist's impressions