
Community feedback has been reviewed and plans for the new amenities building are being finalised. Take a look at the consultation report to see a summary of what we heard.

Construction of the new amenities building is expected to start in March 2025. Press + Follow at the top of this page to stay updated.

Project background

Council is proposing to build a new amenities building in Bayview Park, Concord to better serve park users and support the new swim site. The proposed location can be found below. In February/March 2023 we asked for community feedback on the design, layout, and functionality.

The new amenities building may include:

  • Accessible toilets
  • Indoor showers
  • Outdoor showers
  • Change rooms
  • Outdoor wash basins
  • External CCTV coverage

Existing building

We are also proposing to maintain the current amenities block for storage and potential future uses. The existing toilet block is no longer fit for purpose. With the swim site now open, park users have different needs in the park; toilets, showers, and change rooms will provide park users with the amenities they need to best enjoy the park.

The existing amenity block is too far from the new swim site for the community to get changed and shower after swimming. It is also located closer to residences, so Council’s team has determined that adding amenities could disturb nearby residents.

Location of new amenities building

Click image to enlarge.

Proposed new location of amenities building

Artist impressions

The below images show what the amenities block will look like when completed. Images are indicative only.


Have Your Say - feedback closed 5 March 2023

  • Take the survey below

  • Attend a drop-in session

    Our project team will be at Bayview Park on Sunday 12 February 2023 from 3-5pm to answer questions and take feedback.