Welcome to your tree planting community page, St Albans Street!
This page has been created for you – to communicate directly with the City of Canada Bay Council, to discuss with your neighbours online, to learn about this project and keep updated as it progresses.
Thank you to all the residents who provided feedback on our survey in July. 86% of respondents said they support the planting of new trees along your street, and we appreciate the time taken to provide your input.
We’ve made note of things you told us we need to be aware of including correct tree species selection to avoid pruning due to power lines and consider how shallow roots disrupt the pavement. We appreciate the many suggestions for species we received, and we’ve taken these into account.
On this page, you will find:
- A timeline for the project
- Plans plotting an indicative location of where each tree will be planted along the street
- A section where you can provide your preferences for the species we plant
- A Q&A section with Wendy Wright, our Senior Landscape Architect
- A sign up form for anybody who would like to help maintain the trees as they take root.
How to read the plans
- Page 2 - we have provided a database of the most appropriate species for your street and have provided key information about each species. The far left column is the symbol we use to identify each species on the plans.
- Page 3 - we have separated the street into 5 sections and you can find the placement of your property on this page.
- Pages 4-10 - we have suggested the trees we would plant in each spot on the provided map, but you can propose a different tree from the database for us to consider.
- Tree images reference document - we have compiled images of each proposed species for reference. Please refer to this document to understand what the tree would look like into adulthood.
We hope you will take a couple of minutes to peruse this information, provide feedback and ask any questions you may have. We also invite you to “follow” the project if you’d like to receive ongoing updates as the project consultation progresses. Please note it will be easiest to view the plans on a laptop or desktop computer.
Read the plans here
Q&A with Wendy Wright, Senior Landscape Architect
Click "follow" at the top of the page to receive ongoing email updates about this project.