As part of the NSW Government's Greening Our City Grant, Council is planting approximately 455 trees in 2024. Council is also aiming to plant an additional 600 trees through a number of other tree planting projects. Data provided by our Urban Tree Canopy Strategy and requests from residents have been used to identify numerous plantable spaces with low canopy cover.

To learn more about our strategy and goals to increase canopy cover across the City, please visit our tree page on the Council website.

Spring tree planting plans

Feedback on these plans is now open and will close on Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Round 4 tree planting plans

We asked for community feedback on these plans in February/March 2024.

Project background

The City of Canada Bay aims to plant as many new trees as possible every year as part of our Urban Tree Canopy Strategy, which helps to support our community to live in vibrant, resilient places that connect people. Urban canopies not only help keep streets cooler, the trees also remove carbon, produce more oxygen, provide habitat and filter stormwater and air pollution as well. A bonus to this is that street tree canopies are beautiful and add value and charm to our streets.

Council received a grant from the NSW Government as part of the Greening Our City Grant. Council has undertaken 3 rounds to deliver against this grant, and in 2023 we are undertaking round 4.

Trees Matter

Please view or download the brochure below.

Trees Matter


Our engagement process

We are committed to working collaboratively with our community to make sure our tree canopy flourishes into the future and everyone can enjoy the benefits.
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Our tree team identify suitable streets and parks with space for new trees.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    We look at the street or park and find the best placement and species for the area.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    We share our ideas with the community. The project team can also visit to discuss plans with the community.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    We incorporate feedback into final plans and share them.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    We keep the community updated on when we are going to plant them.

Suggest a street!

Want to suggest your street for tree planting?

We are committed to growing our urban canopy and will investigate all suggested streets. If you can't find your street in the above pages, feel free to suggest it here.
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Please provide so we can call you to ask for more information.

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.