Initial consultation

Thank you for the 300+ submissions we received during our consultation in November/December 2019.

We have prepared a community engagement report which summarises the feedback received. The community engagement report is a significant part of the evidence base for the development of a revised Plan of Management and Masterplan for Timbrell Park.

This project was then impacted by a number of related items:

  • investigation of Aboriginal midden on the site
  • plans by Transport NSW for a pedestrian bridge across Wattle St

Public exhibition

From 10 May - 20 June 2023 we asked for feedback on the draft Timbrell Park Plan of Management and Masterplan. Two key improvements the community requested include:

  • Playing field upgrades
  • Traffic and parking investigations

We asked for feedback on these improvements from 29 September - 12 November 2023 and findings are summarised in this community engagement report.