Barnstaple Road crossing and footpath construction

22 March 2024

As part of our commitment to improving local infrastructure and following community consultation, Council is pleased to advise that a pedestrian crossing and footpath will be constructed at the corner of Barnstaple Road and McCulloch Street, in Russell Lea.

The works are part of Council's initiative to improve pedestrian accessibility and safety.

Included in the upgrades will be the installation of pram ramps and lighting, to improve accessibility and safety for pedestrians moving to and from Russell Lea Public School, and the surrounding streets.

The works are expected to commence in April 2024, with completion expected by June 2024, weather permitting.

Works will be carried out between Monday to Friday from 7am to 5pm. However, there may be instances that work is required to be undertaken outside of these hours.

We thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time.

Should you require further information, please contact our Project Manager, Joseph Fiamengo on 9911 6387.