
At the November 2021 Council Meeting, Councillors resolved to give in-principle support to installing a pedestrian crossing on Barnstaple Road for Russell Lea Public School students and the broader community. The Council also resolved to investigate a traffic refuge or appropriate safety measures on Brent Street, as well as several other investigations regarding pedestrian safety improvements.

Barnstaple Road Proposal - August 2023

In August 2022 we consulted with the community about proposed pedestrian crossings on Brent Street and Barnstaple Road, Russell Lea. At the Council meeting on 18 October 2022 the construction of the crossing on Brent Street was approved and construction has recently been completed. In consideration of feedback from the community, Council resolved to review the proposed location of the pedestrian crossing on Barnstaple Road.

Council has completed this review, including consideration of additional pedestrian movement data collected over the past 12 months, interfaces with surrounding residences and creating better and safer access for the community to open spaces.

As a result, it is now proposed to construct a raised pedestrian crossing on Barnstaple Road just west of McCulloch Street. A concept plan outlining the proposed configuration is attached.

The current proposal will connect students to Russell Lea Public School, whilst also improving pedestrian access for the broader community by constructing accessible paths in Larkins Reserve.

The proposal also includes the installation of improved street lighting at the pedestrian crossing. This proposal will require the removal of 3 parking spaces adjacent Larkins Reserve and 2 parking spaces on the northern side of Barnstaple Road.

Council has completed investigations, including observations of current pedestrian movements in the area and impacts on parking, and is proposing two raised pedestrian crossings on Barnstaple Road, between Speed Avenue and Duchess Avenue, as well as on Brent Street between Whittall Street and Clements Street.

Original Barnstaple Road proposal

Original Brent St proposal

In August 2022 we consulted with the community about proposed pedestrian crossings on Brent Street and Barnstaple Road, Russell Lea. At the Council meeting on 18 October 2022 the construction of the crossing on Brent Street was approved and construction has recently been completed. In consideration of feedback from the community, Council resolved to review the proposed location of the pedestrian crossing on Barnstaple Road.

You can review the Council Report and Consultation Report here.

Have Your Say until 10 September 2023

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  • Attend a drop-in session

    Our project team will be in Larkins Reserve on Barnstaple Road from 4 - 6pm on Wednesday 6 September 2022.

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