The Planning Proposal
The Planning Proposal for the land at 160 Burwood Road, Concord (known as the Bushells site) was endorsed by Council for finalisation.
The Planning Proposal amends the Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013 to:
- Rezone the land from IN1 General Industrial to part R3 Medium Density Residential, part B1 Neighbourhood Centre and part RE1 Public Recreation
- Permit “commercial premises” as an Additional Permitted Use
- Increase the maximum height of buildings from 12m to a range of heights up to 21m and RL 46.6 to reflect the existing height of the Central Roasting Hall (that is proposed to be retained)
- Increase the floor space ratio from 1.0:1 to 1.25:1
- Include a requirement for non-residential floor space to be provided on site and for any light industrial uses to be located on the ground floor and have appropriate floor to ceiling heights
- Require a contribution for affordable housing
- Apply a Foreshore Building Line
- Identify the Central Roasting Hall as a local heritage item.
- B1 Neighbourhood Centre Zone moved inward and away from Burwood Road.
- Maximum building heights reduced, except for the Central Roasting Hall, and with no height applied to roads.
- Maximum Floor Space Ratios reduced to 0.96:1, with a bonus of 0.15:1 additional FSR where the Central Roasting Hall is retained and adaptively reused.
- Curtilage for Local Heritage Listing includes the entire site.
- The Foreshore Building Line to follow the building line fronting the foreshore.
- Minimum amount of non-residential floor space reduced from 10,000sqm to 7,500sqm.
- Additional permitted uses limited to office premises, shops, restaurants, and cafes within the proposed R3 Medium Density Residential zone.
- Affordable Housing Contribution rate of 10%.
A Development Control Plan (DCP) and Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme(AHCS) also into effect with the publication of the new LEP.
You can download the Planning Proposal and supporting documents from the Document Library on this page or the NSW Planning Portal.