Round 2 Consultation 15 June - 3 July 2022 is now Complete
Round 2 information:
We shared an updated draft Masterplan for Majors Bay Reserve and consulted the community from 15 June - 3 July 2022.
"Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Masterplan, which includes our plans for a $4.75 million upgrade funded by the Department of Planning and Environment through the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program.
We received extensive feedback which we have incorporated into a revised draft concept design, which we believe better reflects the community’s vision for the future of the reserve. The engagement report can be viewed here.
The second draft masterplan can be viewed below and includes the below elements:
- New play centres
- A youth zone including pump tracks, half basketball courts, and parkour
- Connecting paths and mangrove boardwalk
- Changing places amenity (inclusive toilet facility)
- Planting of 250 trees and landscaping works
- Increase in park access points
- Environmental education kiosk
- Removal of carpark at Deakin Street, Concord and new parking proposals
- Improvements to the existing off-leash dog area in the northern edge of the reserve
- Kayak stop / launch facility.
Reading the second draft plan
- Numbers marked in brown are expected to be developed through a $4.75 million upgrade funded by the Department of Planning and Environment through the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program in line with the timeline on this page
- Numbers marked in blue are future planned works as part of the long term Masterplan for the reserve.
What happens next? (This information has been updated on the main project page).
- We are here to meet and discuss your feedback throughout the consultation process at two on-site meetings, an online meeting, via the survey, and by phone and email
- Once the consultation is closed, we will prepare a second engagement report on the feedback from this round of consultation and provide recommendations with a final draft plan at the July Council Meeting.
- At the July Council Meeting, the Council will review the Council report recommendations regarding the Masterplan
- We will share the Council Report and final draft with the community in the lead up to the Council Meeting. Anyone in the community can address Council at a Council Meeting – learn more here.
- Detailed design consultation on the upgrades, including playground designs, will be undertaken ahead of construction."