After thorough consultation with the community, Council adopted the Majors Bay Reserve Passive Recreation Precinct Masterplan in September 2022. Council then sought additional feedback from the community on detailed designs, and used this feedback for detailed design development.

Construction commenced in September 2023 with on-ground works continuing into 2024 . Please view projects updates below, and click +Follow in the above header to receive emails when project updates are published.

Project updates

Adopted Masterplan

Adopted Masterplan Document

Click image below to view in full screen

Some minor refinements were made to this Masterplan following its adoption.

Engagement Process

  • Council decision deferred to September 2022

    Council reviewed a final draft based on two rounds of consultation with community.

    July Council Meeting report and discussion was postponed.

    Councillors decided to defer decision to conduct further consultation.

    August 2022
  • Additional consultation with community

    Meeting with residents who spoke at Council Meeting to discuss alternatives

    August 2022
  • September Council Meeting

    Council adopts Masterplan

    20 September 2022

August Council Meeting Outcomes

Council voted to defer a decision on this project until the September Council Meeting. We are meeting with community members who addressed Council at the August meeting ahead to discuss solutions, and will share an updated report ahead of the next meeting (now available above).

September Council Meeting Outcome

The updated draft Masterplan was adopted at the 20 September Council Meeting. You can review the masterplan and masterplan document here:

We’d like to again thank the community for your ongoing participation and passion for this project. It has been a collaborative journey, and one that Council officers have learned a lot from. The community’s voice has been listened to and Council’s team has worked very hard to respond to feedback at every stage. We believe that the final Masterplan better reflects the community’s vision while meeting Council’s objectives for open space planning and future proofing our public spaces for our growing population.

Item 10.5 Majors Bay Reserve Recreation Precinct Masterplan

  • Resolved
  • Moved: Cr Di Pasqua
  • Seconded: Cr Jago

That Council:

  1. Adopt the Masterplan for Majors Bay Reserve attached to the report
  2. Continue to engage with the community and relevant stakeholders and sporting groups on the implementation of the Masterplan.
What happens next?

We are committed to consulting the community on the detailed design and implementation of the Masterplan. We are currently preparing a consultation program and will update the community on opportunities to participate very soon.