Strategy Adopted
The Let's All Play Strategy was adopted by Council on Tuesday 19 November 2019 as per the below at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 November 2019:
- THAT Council adopt the Let’s All Play Strategy.
- THAT Council officers provide a report on the establishment of an advisory committee to assist in priority settings for annual upgrades, renewals and acquisitions.
- THAT Council request a report by the March 2020 meeting that outlines the cost and scope of works to replace the surface treatment to synthetic softfall and fencing at Cabarita Park.
More information will be make available on the advisory committee and the Cabarita Park report in the coming months.
Read the Let's All Play Strategy
The City of Canada Bay is renowned for its open spaces and recreational opportunities. There is currently 348ha of open space in the Local Government Area which includes Council, privately owned land and golf courses. This equates to 17 per cent of the total land area. There are currently 45 Council playgrounds in our City. The City of Canada Bay is also renowned for the beauty of its open spaces which are enhanced by our unique landscape. There are over 35km of foreshore along the Parramatta River and Iron Cove offering waterfront views and a selection of swimming sites.
In 2007 the City of Canada Bay undertook research and consultation with the community and relevant stakeholders to develop a strategy (Let’s Play) that would guide the strategic direction for the future provision and management of playgrounds across the City of Canada Bay. Recommendations were made that would govern the design, maintenance and promotion of the City’s playgrounds and these recommendations were largely implemented.
Why was the Let's All Play 2019 Strategy prepared?
Let’s All Play has been prepared to assist Council in increasing the potential of its playgrounds and play spaces. It provides direction to ensure play opportunities for everyone in our community are considered in strategic planning, regardless of age or ability. It recognises that the provision and maintenance of the City’s physical assets must be balanced with the needs of the people that use these spaces. It also acknowledges the importance of play in promoting community wellbeing and maximising opportunities for social interaction.
How was this strategy prepared?
As the Let's Play strategy was adopted 10 years ago, Council resolved to review and ultimately revise the strategy. With an emphasis on inclusivity, Council also resolved that a committee oversee the review. The committee was formed, along with the Mayor, Councillor and staff members to develop an extensive community consultation in early 2019.
Over 800 stakeholders and community members participated in the consultation, including a Mayor's youth forum. The consultation report is available in the document library on this page. The draft strategy was then created and is currently on public exhibition.