Toilet now open
The Development Application (DA2020/0351) for the Halliday Park public toilet was heard at the City of Canada Bay Local Planning Panel held on Wednesday 26 May 2021. The outcomes of this meeting can be found on Council’s website here.
The following recommendation was made:
THAT the Canada Bay Local Planning Panel, as the determining authority on behalf of Council, grant consent to Development Application No. 2020/0351 on land at Halliday Park, McGrath Avenue, Five Dock, subject to the following site specific conditions (click here to view). On consideration of the merits of the case the Panel on behalf of Council notes that it supports the application based on the particular circumstances of the case and does not consider that the consent gives rise to a precedent.
The project team will now move forward with letting a tender for construction of the works. A contract is expected to be awarded in September 2021 with construction due to commence in October 2021. The works are expected to be completed in late 2021, weather permitting.
The DA approved plans can be viewed in the Design Documentation Library on this page.
A Development Application (DA2020/0351) has now been lodged for the Halliday Park Public Toilet Project. The architects have reviewed the feedback received during the most recent Community Consultation (14-27 Oct 2020) to inform the preparation of a detailed DA design.
The revised plans submitted will be placed on public exhibition until January 29th 2021 with public notification to be provided to the nearby landowners and residents. During the notification period the community are able to submit a response to the proposal by making a written submission to Council.
Following an independent assessment of the Development Application, the matter will be referred to a Local Planning Panel meeting.
For further information on this process please refer to Council’s website.
Following a recent community consultation from 14 – 27 October 2020, the City of Canada Bay has reviewed feedback and will be moving ahead with the preparation of a Development Application (DA) in location 1 (closest to the children’s playground).
The outcomes of the community consultation showed an equal preference to both location 1 and location 2 amongst participants. In preparation for lodging a DA, an independent town planner was engaged to review the community feedback, complete an assessment of the two proposed locations and provide a final recommendation for the new amenities location.
Several factors were considered in this assessment including safety outcomes, view impacts, underground services, accessibility and coastal ecology. Location 1 was assessed as being be more appropriate for the site than location 2. You can review the independent town planner’s report and a consultation snapshot here.
The City of Canada Bay has now prepared a concept design for the proposed unisex toilet block and we are seeking feedback from the community. Following our community consultation in May/June 2020 and after reviewing the site, the architect identified two suitable locations which can be found below.
The preferred locations are based on a several factors, including:
- Prior community feedback
- Existing underground services
- Proximity to the playground
- Minimising view losses to neighbouring residents (a visual impact study can be reviewed here).
- Accessibility requirements
- Safety by design principles
- Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021
- Council’s Social Infrastructure Strategy (Open Space and Recreation)
In keeping with the community’s preferred design finish, a timber cladding has been incorporated into the design. The facility has been architecturally designed and will include an accessible toilet, an external hand wash, a baby change facility and a slanted roof.
Council are seeking your feedback on the proposed design and your preferred location of the toilet facility. Please fill in the form below. The community’s feedback will be considered in the detailed design plans.
Following a community consultation period from 25 May – 22 June 2020, the City of Canada Bay is progressing with the installation of a non-automated unisex public toilet in Halliday Park to serve park users.
The consultation period attracted a high level of community participation with 116 submissions from the community. A majority of participants support the installation of a toilet in the proposed location (shown below). Community feedback showed that a conventional public toilet is preferred over an automated, self-cleaning type, with the opportunity for external hand washing facilities. A snapshot of the consultation outcomes can be viewed here and in the document library on this page.
In keeping with the community’s preferred design finish, a timber cladding will be chosen. An example of this design approach can be found below. In the coming months, the project team will prepare concept designs for the toilet block which we will share for further feedback from the community.
The City of Canada Bay is intending to install a self-automated unisex public toilet in Halliday Park to serve park users. The installation of this accessible toilet is in line with the principles outlined in Council’s Social Infrastructure Strategy and the goals of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017 - 2021.
Halliday Park is a place that attracts people for many different activities, including use of the children’s playground, bocce, dog walking, and exercise. The intent of installing this facility is to improve the park experience and comfort of existing users.
Currently the nearest public toilets are located in Five Dock Park and Fred Kelly Place which are both approximately a 10-15 minute walk from Halliday Park.
We first consulted in July 2017 and while the project was deferred at the time, Council has received regular requests from the community to install a toilet since this time. We have therefore consulted again with a view to installing a toilet this financial year.
To avoid any perception of a conflict of interest, the assessment of the DA will be referred to an independent planner and will be subsequently determined by the independent Local Planning Plan, which again provides another forum for community members to speak to the proposal prior to determination.
Any submissions received during the DA public exhibition period will be reviewed by Council's Planning Team and considered through the development assessment process.
The project team as ‘the applicant’ in this process will respond to any requests for information or review as received.
Following an assessment of the Development Application, the matter will be referred to a Local Planning Panel meeting.
Local Planning Panel meetings are open to the general public. If you have made a submission on the application, you will be notified of the Panel meeting date on which the application is to be considered. The notification letter will include details on how to register to address the Panel meeting prior to the application being determined. Download the Request to Address Panel Meeting form.
For further information on the Development Application process, please refer to Council’s website.