Project background

Council is aware that the high demand for parking in Five Dock, in addition to the construction of the Metro West station, brings several challenges for our business community. A Notice of Motion was taken to Council on 5 December 2023 which states;


1. In accordance with section 610F of the Local Government Act 1993, the proposed new fees for Business Parking Permits in Five Dock be placed on public exhibition for a 28 day period.

2. A report be prepared on submissions received in response to the public exhibition and submitted to Council for consideration and including the identification of a funding source for projected forgone revenue.

3. Council survey businesses in the Five Dock Parking Scheme area as soon as possible in early 2024 to capture feedback to determine whether extra visitor parking permits for businesses is supported across the business community.

Read the Council meeting agenda and minutes.

Council recently proposed to remove charges for Business Parking Permits for the remainder of the financial year. Feedback on this proposal closes on 4 February 2024 and a report will be considered by Council on 19 March 2024. Learn more.

Visitor Parking Permits for business properties

In early 2024 Council asked for feedback to understand how the current parking arrangements are working for businesses in Five Dock. Specifically, whether access to a Visitor Parking Permit would be beneficial and make it easier for customers/clients to visit at times convenient to them.

Under Council’s current Parking Policy, business properties are not eligible for a Visitor Parking Permit. This type of permit is currently only available for residential properties.

A Visitor Parking Permit is valid for one financial year and is not tied to a particular vehicle registration number. This would allow the permit to be transferred between vehicles for employees and/or customers.

If all the business properties in Five Dock that are eligible to participate in the scheme were to receive a Visitor Parking Permit, 305 permits would be issued. This would reduce the number of on-street parking spaces for customers/employees who do not have access to a permit.

How feedback was collected

Feedback closed on Sunday 18 February 2024.
