June 2022 Update - Heath Street

6 July 2022

In 2020, we consulted with the community regarding a proposed East-West Regional Cycleway. We received valuable feedback from the broader community and residents in and around Heath Street, Five Dock.

In mid-2021, we updated the community on how the project was progressing. This included information on the start of works on part of the route in the second half of 2021. While further investigation and design work were still underway on other parts including Heath Street.

While preparing the detailed designs for Heath Street and Henley Marine Drive, Council staff spoke with many residents in the area. This assisted us in ensuring any concerns were carefully considered and the design was refined appropriately.

Minimising impacts such as loss of parking has been a focus of the project, whilst still providing facilities that encourage cycling and walking. As outlined in the attached plans, most of the impacted parking is at the Heath Street and Henley Marine Drive intersection. These impacts to parking are required to accommodate new refuges to assist cyclists and pedestrians in safely accessing Timbrell Park.

We recently finalised the detailed designs and anticipate that construction will commence in August 2022. Before the commencement of construction, Council’s contractor will distribute a further notification with additional information on how they will be managing the works.

As part of a separate project, Council has engaged a consultant to undertake a Traffic, Parking and Pedestrian study of the area around Timbrell Park. This includes undertaking surveys and observations during peak sporting times. We will consult with the community after the consultant has prepared their draft findings and suggestions for the area.

Two Raised intersections were installed last year on Barnstaple Road where it intersects with Waterview Street and Sutton Street. Around the same time, a speed cushion on Henry Street near Elizabeth Street and a raised intersection at Henry Street/Scott Street were constructed.