During consultation in July/August 2020, various concerns were raised by the community regarding a proposed shared path along Stanley Street and relocation of the existing refuge islands in Broughton Street. A revised proposal was developed which no longer proposed a shared path and instead included additional treatments to enhance on-road mixed traffic cycling safety. The refuge in Broughton Street was also proposed to be retained at its current location but upgraded. Consultation on this revised proposal was undertaken with the community in October 2020.
At the Council meeting on 1 December 2020, it was resolved to proceed with the construction of this segment of the route. The cycleway in this segment comprises of a mixture of treatments including:
- On-road mixed traffic on Stanley Street
- Upgrade of existing refuge island on Broughton Street near Stanley Street to facilitate cyclists
- A raised crossing outside Concord Primary School, replacing existing crossing
- Speed cushions on Stanley Street outside Concord High School
- Widening of existing path in Queen Elizabeth to create a shared path
- Line-marking and signage upgrades
In late June 2021, a short section of path widening works adjoining the St Lukes North carpark are scheduled.
More information on the next steps and timing for this segment of the route will be available in due course.
In late 2021, we consulted with surrounding residents regarding proposed works in Stanley Street, Concord, seeking further feedback regarding a potential footpath widening.
These works included upgrading the existing pedestrian crossing outside Concord Public School to a raised crossing, installing flood lighting at the crossing, and the installation of new speed cushions outside Concord High School.
Ausgrid subsequently raised concerns with Council regarding potential access impacts on their infrastructure located under the road at that location.
As an alternative, it is now proposed Council constructs speed cushions on either side of the existing pedestrian crossing. The works will also include new and upgraded fencing along the north side of Stanley Street, either side of the crossing. The proposed arrangement is shown on the attached updated plan.
This revised design meets Council’s original objectives of enhancing the safety of pedestrians and cyclists riding on-road, while providing a satisfactory outcome for the Ausgrid infrastructure.
Taking into consideration the feedback received from the community, Council no longer plans to undertake footpath widening works along Stanley Street. We will however be undertaking necessary maintenance on various sections of the footpath.
Speed Cushions at Stanley Street outside Concord High School to reduce speed and help cyclists transit from Shared Path into the road.
Active consultations
The City of Canada Bay is a local government area in Sydney. We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in particular the Wangal people of the Eora nation, as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.
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9911 6555
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1300 551 659
Civic Centre
1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne
8:30am-4pm weekdays
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Postal address
Locked Bag 1470, Drummoyne NSW 1470
Why are we engaging
Council is committed to ensuring those that live, work and play in the City of Canada Bay are part of the decision making process and are engaged with Council in an effective two-way flow of information.
Collaborate Canada Bay is our online tool for a dynamic and successful feedback loop.