
This page provides key information about the Drummoyne Shared Spaces pilot. To read more about the future of this project, click here.

Pilot updates

Council has secured a $1M grant from the NSW Government as part of the Your High Street Program. This grant funding will be put towards the delivery of our $3M Drummoyne Shared Spaces project to create two public spaces in Drummoyne for the whole community to enjoy.

Community feedback collated throughout the pilot period was taken to the Council Meeting on 16 March 2021. A resolution was made to make both shared spaces permanent and for further consultation to be conducted regarding the removal of ‘No Left Turn’ restrictions on Lyons Road.

To view the Council report, click here and scroll to page 43.

To review the draft minutes from the meeting, click here.

To watch the Council meeting, recorded on Facebook Live, click here.

At the February 2021 Council Meeting, Council heard from 3 community members in the Council chambers as well as 2 letters submitted to Council regarding the pilot.

Councillors adopted the following resolution:

1. THAT the Shared Spaces pilot for Drummoyne be extended for one month for further community consultation.

2. THAT $18,000 funding for the temporary spaces be allocated to maintain the spaces from General Revenue.

3. THAT in principle support be given to the Church St closure with the details on traffic management, parking, activation, restrictions on use and costing be brought back to Council following results of the “Your High Street Grant”

4. THAT the results of the further pilot at Formosa St, including a detailed traffic assessment, community feedback, safety report and concept designs from Laundy Group are brought back to a March Workshop following further community consultation.

To watch the Council meeting, recorded on Facebook Live, click here.

To review the draft minutes of the meeting, please visit here.

More information will be shared regarding further community consultation in the lead up to the March 2021 Council Meeting.


A report on this project is going to our upcoming Council Meeting on Tuesday 16 February 2021.

Over 50% of feedback received for both the Formosa Street and Church Street spaces is positive, and as such Council is recommending both shared spaces be made permanent and that further landscaping, planting and amenity be developed to make the spaces inviting and community-focused places for the Drummoyne shopping precinct and its community. More detail can be found within the report.

To view the report, please visit and scroll to page 32.

If you would like to have your say on this item you can do so via an email to You will need to list the Item Number (6) and the Title of the Report (Drummoyne Shared Spaces Program) in the subject line and send your submission by 5pm Monday 15 February 2021.

Please also state whether you would like your submission to be forwarded to the relevant department of Council for consideration, OR whether you would like it addressed to Councillors during the Meeting.

Council meetings begin at 6pm and are broadcast via Facebook:

At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 1 December, the Council adopted a motion to extend the Drummoyne Shared Spaces Pilot until 28 February 2021. This will offer the community more time to experience the space and provide feedback, and also provide a clearer picture of traffic impact in the area over a longer period. The additional 8 weeks will also provide us with more time to activate and monitor the pilot areas and provide a report to Council to consider the outcomes.

To review the Council report and meeting minutes visit this page.

Project summary

Council received funding from the NSW Government as part of the Streets as Shared Spaces Fund to pilot two temporary road closures in Drummoyne.

The pilot initially ran from 26 October–31 December 2020 and was subsequently extended until March 2021. This pilot involved the closure of a small section of Formosa Street at Lyons Road, and Church Street became one-way from Formosa Street to flow on to Victoria Road only.

Project background

In 2018, we asked the community to help us shape the 2019 Victoria Road Urban Design Review priorities. During this consultation, the community communicated that there was not enough public space to gather safely for events and outdoor dining. The community asserted that this would bring vitality and vibrancy to the commercial precinct.

Specifically, community members suggested two public space ideas that Council is now testing:

  • Consider closing Church Street and making it a public park/plaza
  • Consider closing Formosa Street from Lyons Road to Bowman Street and converting it to a public plaza with outdoor dining.

To read the Victoria Road Urban Design Review including the community engagement outcomes, click here.

To read the third party traffic assessment conducted, click here.

This pilot project is proudly funded by the NSW Government.

What to expect during the pilot

By creating new public spaces, we will promote how they could come to life for the local community to enjoy. We hope that the pilot will demonstrate how shared piazza style spaces can add to the area’s vibrancy, providing new opportunities for community events, and stimulating outcomes for local business.

Left hand turn onto Thompson Street from Lyons Road pilot

‘No Left Turn, 6am-10am Monday to Friday’ restrictions apply at a number of streets for westbound traffic on Lyons Road. As Council is temporarily removing the left hand turn into Formosa Street from Lyons Road, we will also be trialling removal of the ‘No Left Turn’ restriction on Lyons Road at Thompson St.

Vision of permanent shared spaces

Formosa Street

Formosa St: Formosa St Sketch of permanent shared space : Artist Ilustration of a permanent shared space

Church Street

Note that traffic studies have shown this space should not be completely closed. See our fact sheet for more information.

Church Street: Church Street Sketch of a permanent shared space

Council will provide continued opportunities for feedback and discussion throughout the trial to understand the community’s concerns, while also analysing impact on traffic flow in the area.

This is a pilot. The community's feedback and uptake of Council activations during the pilot will help us to understand whether the shared spaces will work into the future. Your input is valuable to us!

To learn more, please contact us at or call Engagement Coordinator, Angelena Locke on 9911 6555.

Read our extensive fact sheet here.

To discuss options for renting the spaces free of charge during the pilot, please contact