Place activations play an important role in ensuring Council’s town centres and public spaces are vibrant and attractive. To facilitate and control certain activities in the public domain, Council has prepared a Local Approvals Policy.
Adoption of policy
The draft Local Approvals Policy was placed on public exhibition from 16 June to 20 August 2021, thank you to everyone who provided feedback. All feedback was considered before the draft Local Approvals Policy was taken to Council for adoption on Tuesday 19 October 2021.
To view the Local Approvals Policy, click here.
About the policy
The policy is comprised of three parts:
Part 1: Activities that are exempt, where a formal application is not required
Part 2: General considerations applicable to activities that require an approval under the Policy
Part 3: Other relevant matters relating to applications and approvals (i.e. lodgement, refund of fees, review of determinations and the modification and revoking of approvals.
Activities that are identified as exempt from requiring approval under the draft Policy include:
- Engaging in a trade or business on community land
- Directing or procuring theatrical, musical or other entertainment for the public on community land
- Constructing a temporary enclosure for the purpose of entertainment
- Setting up, operating or using a loudspeaker or sound amplifying device on community land
Activities in the draft policy that require the approval of Council include:
- Market stalls in designated locations
- Street performers
- Temporary food stalls.