Give your food waste a second chance!

Did you know that households in the City of Canada Bay throw away almost 8000 tonnes of food every year? This also means households are wasting around $1000 per year on grocery bills.

There are also significant environmental costs. When organic materials like food and garden waste breakdown in landfill, they release methane which is a potent greenhouse gas 25 times worse than carbon dioxide. We also need to consider that when we waste food food we are wasting all the energy and water that has gone into producing, storing and transporting that food.

Reducing food waste and recycling your food scraps is a very important way for you to help solve this problem. Whether it's a worm farm or a compost bin, the Compost Capers team is here to help you turn your food and garden scraps into a valuable resource that will improve soil and feed your plants.

To help you get started check out our composting and worm farming videos and guides!

Sign up to our monthly Sustainable Living e-newsletter to be kept in the loop about upcoming composting bin and worm farm giveaways!

How food waste contribute to climate change

Composting is an easy and cost efficient way you can recycle your food and garden scraps into a valuable resource. You don't have to have a green thumb or have a garden to be able to take part in. It's a simple action towards cultivating a healthier and more sustainable environment no matter where you live. Here are 3 quick reasons why you should start composting:

1. Keeps organics out of landlfill

The average City of Canada Bay household throws away 4kg of food waste a week. Nearly half of the contents of our red lidded waste bins is food waste that is sent to landfill,

2. Reduces the release of greenhouse gas

Food and garden waste sent to landfill is compacted without oxygen. This results in anaerobic breakdown and the release of methane (CH4). Methane is a potent greenhouse gas 25 times worse than carbon dioxide (CO2) and a serious contributor to climate change.

On the other hand, composting and worm farming is the aerobic (with oxygen) breakdown of organic materials.This process does not produce harmful gasses. When compost is added to soil, it greatly increases its ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere- a very important way to fight climate change.

3. Produces nutrient-rich soil for plants and gardens

The products of composting and worm farming, contain nutrients that are often absent in synthetic fertilisers. They release nutrients slowly and improve soil structure, help build a healthy soil ecosystem, increase the ability of soil to retain moisture by up to 30% and result in the absorption of carbon from the atmposhere.

How to use compost?


You can use your compost in a few ways:

  • Dig it into garden beds
  • Add it to potting mix
  • Add to seed raising mix
  • Add around the drip-line of plants (away from plant stems) and cover with mulch to keep it alive.

If you want to separate the earthworms from your compost, expose the surface to light for 30 mins or more to allow the worms to burrow away from the light

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