Community Consultation outcome

4 September 2023

During June and July, Council consulted with the community regarding proposed playground improvements at Cabarita Park as part of our Let’s all Play Strategy and to align with the NSW Government Everyone Can Play Guidelines.

The community were invited to provide feedback on two options.

  • Option 1: Replace all sand with rubber soft fall across the entire playground area, and
  • Option 2: Keep some sand soft fall area, increase the rubber surface area.

A summary of the findings is provided below and can also be found in the engagement report here.

Consultation Outcomes

Total community participation - 171 submissions received in total.

The consultation process included the following.

  • Consultation notification letters being delivered to over 8,100 properties,
  • 664 visits were made to the council Collaborate page,
  • 165 participant survey submissions + 6 emails (171) were received,
  • 4 forms submitted at community drop-in sessions held, and
  • Access and Inclusion Committee feedback received.

Consultation Assessment Summary

Key themes in the assessment of participants responses include.

  • 66% of survey participants prefer Option 2 – rubber and sand with additional inclusive play equipment,
  • 11% of survey participants indicated they are living with a disability, 73% of these participants prefer Option 2,
  • 15.6% survey participants indicated they relate to the Friends of Cabarita Park and Wharf with 70% of these participants preferring Option 2, and
  • 68% of participants feel very comfortable, safe and welcome at the playground (score of 80-100/100), demonstrating a high level of enjoyment with the existing playground in the park.

Preferred Option 2 includes:

  • Reduction of existing sand area from 89% to 24% (a 65% reduction) responding to previous feedback received, and
  • Mix of rubber and sand soft fall, plus more equipment for greater accessibility and inclusive play outcomes for all users.

Next steps

  • Finalise detailed design and procure the works for completion by end June 2024.