Project background

Council was approached by the Peninsula Action Group (PAG) requesting that a comprehensive Traffic Study be undertaken in the communities of Mortlake, Breakfast Point and Cabarita in 2021.

A workshop was held with the PAG and Council in July 2021 identifying a number of key locations and intersections to be investigated. These locations included:

  • Mortlake Street
  • Gale Street
  • Bertram Street/Hilly Street
  • Cabarita Road
  • Tennyson Road

In 2021, Council undertook community consultation to understand general issues in these areas. Findings were used to determine the scope of the Traffic Study which was undertaken in 2022. The Traffic Study was then presented to Council, followed by a community consultation.

In October 2022, the Traffic Study was presented to Council for adoption. Read more about the outcomes of the Council meeting, improvements and full Traffic Study below.

Since late 2022 Council has been working towards implementing the recommendations of the traffic study as well as continuing to work with the PAG and community to identify further locations of improvement.

Active projects

Feedback on these projects closed on Sunday 19 January 2025.

Cabarita-Mortlake Peninsula improvements

The map below outlines the current status of traffic improvements outlined in the Traffic Study. Click on the coloured dots to learn more about each project.

Purple = feedback open
Green = completed
Orange = underway
Red = investigations ongoing


Traffic Study

More information

Council Meeting Outcomes

Council having undertaken consultation with the Community on the Cabarita-Mortlake Peninsula Traffic Study has moved a series of recommendations at its Council Meeting held on 18 October 2022. The recommendations are based on the extents of the traffic study which includes the proposals on multiple streets and intersections. More information on these specific proposals can be seen below.

Motion 255/22

1. The recommendations of the City of Canada Bay Traffic Committee be adopted (see below).

2. The Peninsula Action Group be congratulated for the advocacy and input into the Mortlake Peninsula traffic, pedestrian safety and parking issues.

3. Council undertake further investigations and discussions with the Peninsula Action Group and the local community, and a further report in respect of Hilly/Bertram Streets, Tennyson Road, and the Mortlake Street/Cabarita Road intersection be prepared and submitted to Council.

4. Further consultation be undertaken in relation to a reduction of speed limits on the Mortlake Peninsula on Tennyson Rd and Hilly St and adjacent streets i.e. Whitaker, Northcote, Edwin, Bennett and McDonald, Bertram and Palace Lane, following receipt of a report from Transport for NSW, the release of which is pending.

5. Council give careful consideration to all traffic and parking implications in all future developments applications in the area subject of the study.

Recommendations of the City of Canada Bay Traffic Committee on 29 September 2022.

1. THAT a pedestrian refuge, speed cushion and kerb extensions with pram ramps be installed on Bertram Street at the intersection of Tennyson Road.

2. THAT the median island on Orchard Avenue, at the intersection of Tennyson Road, be shortened.

3. THAT a median island and a speed cushion be installed on the northern half of Tennyson Road, west of the intersection with Bertram Street.

4. THAT speed cushions, kerb extensions, pram ramps and pedestrian refuges be supported in principle at the intersection of Brays Road, Gale Street and Mortlake Street, with the detailed design being presented to a future Traffic Committee.

5. THAT location of the proposed pedestrian refuge, speed cushion and kerb extensions with pram ramps on Cabarita Road at the intersection of Moore Street, be further investigated.

6. THAT a pedestrian refuge, speed cushion and kerb extensions with pram ramps be installed on Mortlake Street at the intersection of Cabarita Road.

7. THAT further traffic calming measures be investigated on Cabarita Road near the intersection of Mortlake Street.

8. THAT the conversion of Adams Lane to one-way southbound, be further investigated.

9. THAT a continuous footpath be supported in principle across Adams Lane at the intersection with Adams Street, with the detailed design being presented to a future Traffic Committee.

10. THAT the existing ‘No Stopping’ zone on the southwestern side of the existing pedestrian crossing on Gale Street, be extended by 6m.

11. THAT the redundant pram ramp on Majors Bay Road at the intersection of Brays Road be removed.

12. THAT the kerb buildouts and median islands be extended at the existing pedestrian crossing on Brays Road adjacent Mortlake Public School.

Past project updates

Draft Traffic Study Consultation

Having consulted the community in 2021 regarding issues in the Cabarita-Mortlake Peninsula, feedback showed that traffic flow concerns needed to be addressed. Council then shared a traffic study with the community and asked for feedback on the upgrades proposed in response to the study's findings. From 2 - 18 September 2022 we asked for feedback on a draft Traffic Study.

Feedback was then considered and a report was presented to Traffic Committee in September and Council in October 2022.

About the Traffic Study

Bitzios Consulting has been engaged by City of Canada Bay (Council) to undertake a traffic study within the Mortlake-Cabarita Peninsula area. The purpose of this study is to address the key traffic, pedestrian, and parking issues raised by the residents of the Mortlake-Cabarita Peninsula area as a result of nearby redevelopments and increasing external traffic accessing the recreational areas.

Consultation undertaken by the community, formed Peninsula Action Group (PAG), and separate consultation undertaken by Council, has identified a number of key streets and intersections which have been included in the study.

Council has successfully engaged a consultant to undertake the Traffic Study. The study brief was shaped by the community feedback provided, the consultant has begun undertaking investigative works around Mortlake, Breakfast Point and Cabarita. It is anticipated that a draft Traffic Study will be presented to Council in mid 2022, where it will be reviewed further prior to another round of community consultation.

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Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to help shape this Traffic Study. Community feedback has been reviewed and consolidated. Council will be looking to engage a consultant to assist in delivering the Traffic Study in early 2022. It is anticipated the study duration will run until mid 2022.

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