Project Update - March 2023

15 March 2023

Works have now commenced on construction of the new seawall. The temporary sheet pile coffer dam which provides a dry working area has been installed and the first foundation layer has been constructed. Delivery of sandstone blocks for the new wall has commenced and installation will begin in the coming weeks.

Following reports of dead and unhealthy trees in McIlwaine Park, Council's tree officer has inspected the park and found that some were in poor health due to the historical compacted fill material the trees are growing in. These trees will be removed and replaced with new trees to compensate for their removal.

To manage the construction of the new wall and storage of materials, the temporary fencing in the park will need to be extended. A plan showing the revised layout of the temporary fencing has been attached below.

McIlwaine Park Seawall Works

McIlwaine Park - Seawall Works

McIlwaine Park Site Fencing

Revised Site Fencing - McIlwaine Park