McIlwaine Park, Rhodes is officially open.

On Saturday, 18 November we officially opened McIlwaine Park, Rhodes. Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate the completion of the $8.7 million park upgrade, proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with the City of Canada Bay. We are thrilled to provide our community with this fantastic new space to connect with nature, relax, and catch-up with friends and family alongside the Parramatta River.

What was delivered?


  • A new beach area
  • Discovery rockpools
  • Accessible barbecue and picnic shelters


  • Accessible pathway to the foreshore
  • Pedestrian lighting


  • Eco-friendly seawall with Living Seawall Tiles
  • Saltmarsh field
  • Tree plantings and landscaping

After Before

Updated plans

Reshaped terrace landscape designs

Landscape Designs

Location of new trees

Tree plotting location



McIlwaine Park Activation Flythrough

Photo Montages

Community Engagement

We consulted with the community about the planned river activation and upgrade works from 12 August to 14 September 2019.

During the consultation we received over 300 submissions. Over 90% of the submissions were supportive of the proposed upgrade and liked the initial concept designs. Over 70% of respondents said that they were very likely to use the proposed new facilities.

The feedback received from the community during the engagement process was used to help in the preparation of the final design plans.