Community consultation outcome

23 July 2024

We asked for your feedback on the segments proposed for early delivery from 22 November – 20 December 2024.

Feedback revealed overall support for the four segments and the benefits of a future continuous Parramatta to Sydney Foreshore Link. Responses noted some concerns about the impact of the projects on the environment, local residents and loss of neighbourhood amenity. Read the community consultation report to see a summary of what we heard about each of the segments.

Next steps

Moving forward, the four early delivery segments will be treated as three separate projects:

  • Shadrack Shaw Reserve shared path (Segment 1)
  • Wire Mill Reserve to Lysaght Park (Segments 2 and 3)
  • The Bay Run crossings (Segment 4)

Council will now carry out the necessary environmental assessments, design and further community consultation as needed for these projects. The timing for these activities will be different for each project and we will keep you updated as work progresses.