Test your environmental strength!

We want to know how environmentally conscious our community is! Take this survey and join our Environmental Challenge as we develop our plans for a more sustainable Canada Bay. We're giving away a $200 dining voucher at a Canada Bay restaurant of choice
First, let's look at climate change. How would you rate your understanding of the cause of climate change? Required
How important do you think climate change issues are? Required
Do you think Council is doing enough to address climate change? Required

The greenhouse effect is the warming of the Earth's surface and the air above it. It is caused by gases in the air that trap energy from the Sun. These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases. The most common greenhouse gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide, and methane. Extra greenhouse gases are produced through activities which release these gases including burning coal and petrol, (known as 'fossil fuels'), and the cutting down of rainforests. We are seeking to reduce the level of greenhouse gases the Council produces in our day to day operations. Currently, our target is a 35% reduction based on 2012/2013 figures by 2023. These baseline figures provide a full annual benchmark for emissions, and this is our first time reviewing them.

We are committed to adopting more renewable energy sources over the next ten years. These are energy sources that are constantly being replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water. As of 1 July 2019 we will be sourcing around one third of the energy used in our day to day operations from renewable sources.

We want to know what your priorities are so we can ensure we have plans to suit them. Please select your top 5 in order of preference.

  1. Increased usage of renewable energy #
  2. Reduced energy usage for Council operations #
  3. Reduced water usage for Council operations #
  4. Protection of creeks and waterways #
  5. Restoration and maintenance of natural environment (bushland, mangroves, saltmarsh) #
  6. Waste avoidance, increased recycling and the reduction of waste going to landfill for the community #
  7. Reduced litter in our local area #
  8. Advocate for better outcomes in relation to climate change, sustainability and natural environment with other levels of government #
  9. Community environmental education and programs #
  10. Helping business to be more sustainable #
  11. Improved local air quality and reducing noise pollution #
  12. Increased usage of active transport (e.g. walking, cycling) and public transport #
  13. Council leadership (e.g. leadership role in efficiency and renewables, setting targets) #
  14. Climate change adaptation (e.g. shade structures over playgrounds, disaster management, community resilience) #
  15. Other #
You have 255 characters left.
  1. Install renewable energy, such as solar power within the City of Canada Bay #
  2. Set a target to reduce Council’s greenhouse gas emissions #
  3. Set a target to reduce the community of City of Canada Bay’s greenhouse gas emissions #
  4. Purchase certified carbon offsets to offset Council’s greenhouse gas emissions #
  5. Buy into shared renewable energy projects within NSW and Australia for community energy projects #
  6. Buy into shared utility-scale renewable energy projects within NSW and Australia for Council energy #
  7. Work with businesses within our LGA to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions #
  8. Plant trees within the City #
  9. Educate the community on how to respond to Climate Change #
  10. Install electric vehicle charging points #
  11. Advocate for action on climate change by other levels of government #
  12. Work with developers to build low energy buildings #
  13. Switch to renewable energy so that Council's electricity is sourced from accredited Australian renewable energy generators #
  14. Promote Sustainable food markets and Community gardens to reduce food miles #
  15. Other #
You have 255 characters left.
Have you participated in any of Council’s environmental programs? [tick all that apply) Required
Do you live or work in Canada Bay? (select all that apply) Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.