Council resolved to finalise the Planning Proposal relating to 160 Burwood Road Concord (known as the Bushell's Factory site) in March 2023. For further information on the Planning Proposal please refer here.
The Planning Proposal is supported by another document known as a Planning Agreement that seeks to deliver a range of public benefits in association with future development of the site.
A Planning Agreement is an agreement between Council and a developer where a developer agrees to provide or fund public amenities, services or other infrastructure.
The Planning Agreement
The revised Planning Agreement was publicly exhibited from 9 June to 10 July 2023.
It was endorsed by Council on 15 August 2023 and came into effect with the Local Environmental Plan for the Bushells site on 25 August 2023.
Public exhibition of the revised draft Planning Agreement is now closed.
The revised Planning Agreement requires:
- a monetary contribution to be paid to Council for the maintenance of the new Foreshore Park; and (refer to part D of schedule 1)
- the first stage of the development to propose the adaptive reuse of the Bushell’s Central Roasting Hall factory building (refer to clause 39)