Project updates

Project overview

Following a trial and consultation process, Council resolved in April 2022 to establish a dog off-leash area (DOLA) at Wire Mill Park, Chiswick, with time-restricted operating hours of 7.00 – 9.00am and 5.00 – 7.00pm every day. You can read more on this in the project background below.

Council also resolved that a report be prepared and submitted for review after twelve months, providing an update on the functioning of DOLA operations within Wire Mill Park. At the end of this review process, Council resolved at the August 2023 Council Meeting to return Wire Mill Park Dog Off Leash Area to a shared space. You can review the Council report here, the reports attachments here and the meeting minutes here.

Outline of resolution

At the 15 August 2023 Council meeting, following addresses from community and debate, Council resolved the following items in relation to the Wire Mill Park Dog Off Leash Area Review:


  1. A councillor workshop be carried out on the varying uses of Lysaght Park in the context of safety issues and size.
  2. Council scope enhancements to Lysaght Park permanent dog off leash park, consult with community and then implement enhancements, as outlined in the report, with funding to be allocated from the 2023/24 Off-leash Dog Area Upgrades budget.
  3. The actions referred to in 2 above be expedited.
  4. Wire Mill Park return to its previous status as an open space permitting dog on leash use only, on completion of the works referred to in 2 above.
  5. Council undertakes an education campaign advising of and promoting the above actions.
  6. All participants in the review process be informed of Council’s decision.

We will provide continuous updates to the community as the above items are actioned, including consultation on Lysaght Park improvements.




In December 2019, Council adopted a Dogs in Public Places Strategy. This strategy acknowledges the wide range of user groups that utilise our open spaces and the need to cater for everyone. It includes an objective for households to be within 800 metres of a dog exercise area and identifies how requests for additional dog parks will be considered.


A petition was presented to Council in early 2021 requesting an off-leash dog exercise area be established at Wire Mill Park in Chiswick.

Initial consultation

In response to this request, we asked the community to share their views so that Council could understand the community's sentiment before making any decisions regarding the future of the space. This consultation took place from 12 April - 5 May 2021. Click here to view the consultation report.

The results from this community consultation were presented to Council in July 2021, where Council recommended the following:

1. THAT a trial off-leash dog area be established within Wire Mill Park for a period of two months, with further consultation to be undertaken with the community through this process.

2. THAT a report be brought back to Council on the outcomes of the trial off-leash dog area by December 2021.

Due to the postponement of the 2021 Local Government elections, it was later decided that this trial would take place over summer from December 2021 to February 2022, allowing the trial to take place in day-light savings time.



From December 2021 - February 2022, we trialled an off-leash area in this space to gather further feedback. We continued the conversation with local residents and users of the park. Click here to view the consultation report.

At the 15 March 2022 Council meeting, Council resolved the following:

1. THAT Council support in principle the off-leash area in Wire Mill Park.

2. THAT Council staff produce a report with proposed times in consultation with both parties for designated off-leash for the next month’s Council Meeting.

3. THAT a report be prepared and submitted to Council on possible improvements to facilities within Wire Mill Park to assist in moving gatherings of dog owners and dogs away from the apartments.

4. THAT a report be prepared and submitted to Council on potential safety improvements to Lysaght Park dog off-leash area.

5. THAT a report be prepared and submitted to Council on education and enforcement initiatives to encourage responsible dog ownership, including details on dog ownership growth rates.

Designated times consultation

We conducted a final round of consultation regarding designated off-leash times for the park and presented the findings to Council at the April 2022 meeting. Click here to view the consultation report.

The outcome of this consultation can be found at the top of this page.

Consultation outcome - April 2022 Council Meeting

Following a December 2021 - February 2022 consultation, a report was presented to Council to be discussed at the April Council Meeting.

The outcome of the meeting can be found here and are as follows:

1. THAT the Wire Mill Park off-leash dog park operating hours be set as follows:

    • 7.00 - 9.00am everyday
    • 5.00 - 7.00pm everyday

2. THAT Council allocate $63,700 from within the FY21/22 Open Space Planning operational budget to fund the delivery of off-leash dog improvements in Wire Mill Park.

3. THAT a report be prepared and submitted for review by Council after twelve months, providing an update on the functioning of the time restricted off-leash dog operations within Wire Mill Park.

Permanent signage is currently being prepared for the park that outlines the above, and we are investigating possible infrastructure improvements to the park including bins, trees, a shelter and water fountain. We will keep the community updated as these plans progress.