Firstly, please tell us a little about yourself:

Do you currently live in the City of Canada Bay? Required
Do you work or own a business in the City of Canada Bay?
What sort of property do you live in? Required
Do you rent or own your current residence? Required
We would like to better understand our community’s preferences and vision for waste management. Please rate how important each of these following matters is to you: Required
No opinion
Not at all important
Not very important
Somewhat important
Very important
Reducing household waste sent to landfill
Increasing the number and type of items able to be recycled
Reducing the amount of contamination (such as plastic bags) in recycling bins
Council providing additional information on which bin to use for different items
Council investigating options for collecting food waste from households
Council providing more resources for home composting
Council reducing waste from its own buildings and operations
Trialling recycling bins in public places (noting that bin contents cannot be recycled if bins are used incorrectly)
Reducing illegal dumping
Reducing litter
That recovered materials are turned into new products in Australia (not overseas)
How often do you make choices that avoid generating waste? e.g. minimise packaging or reduce buying excess food Required
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Now let's talk about our current services and programs:

How easy is it to find out information on the correct red, yellow or green lid kerbside bin to use for different items? Required
Which of the following methods do you currently use to find out information about the correct use of the kerbside bins? (you can select more than one option) Required
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Did you know that council offers a bulk household waste collection service on pre-scheduled dates, twice a year for all households? Required
Which, if any, of the following materials have you placed out in the bulk household service in the past 12 months? Required
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Did you know that council provides a Community Recycling Centre for drop off of problem materials including paints, motor oils and gas bottles, free of charge for residents at 15–17 Regatta Rd Five Dock? Required
Have you visited the Community Recycling Centre in the past 12 months?
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Did you know that Council investigates incidences of illegal dumping and can issue fines to the responsible dumper? Required
Did you know that it is illegal to dump materials such as unwanted furniture and mattresses on public land (such as your kerb) except during scheduled bulk household waste collection times, even if you think these items may be reused by others? Required
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Which of the following services are you aware of or have used? Required
I wasn’t aware of this service
I'm aware, but haven't used this
I’ve used this service
E-waste drop off day
Household Chemical Cleanup (chemical drop off day)
Bower Rehoming Service (collection of reusable household items)
Community Recycling Stations (drop off points for mobile phones, batteries and printer cartridges)
Community sharps (drop-off bins for medical sharps provided at pharmacies)
Clothing Clean-up (collection of useable clothing direct from households)
Council community workshops (repair café, compost workshops etc.)
Soft plastic recycling at supermarkets
Return and Earn (container deposit returns)
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Have you had to recycle or dispose of these items recently? Which unwanted materials do you find the most difficult to manage?

Was it difficult to find recycling or disposal information or services for these items?

I haven't disposed of this recently
This was not difficult to manage
This was somewhat difficult
This was very difficult to manage
Oversize expanded polystyrene foam (EPS)
Oversize cardboard
Reusable furniture / other large household items
Damaged furniture / other large household items
Exercise equipment / outdoor equipment / pushbikes/ trampolines
Other electronic items (televisions, computers, home entertainment products etc.)
Large vegetation such as tree branches
Medical items/waste
Household chemicals & cleaning liquids
Paints / paint tins
Gas Bottles
Automotive (tyres, car batteries, motor oil, etc.)
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Finally, please share your contact details so we can update you as the strategy continues to be developed:

Would you like to be involved in further consultation, such as community workshops or follow-up surveys?
If so, is there are specific topic you are interested in discussing further?
Which of these communication methods is most useful for Council to inform you about new or existing waste services? (You can select more than one option) Required