Wangal Reserve upgrade opening - 10-11am Saturday, 12 December

We are pleased to announce the completion of the Wangal Reserve stage 2 works and invite you to celebrate with us.

This $1.7 million project provides a new nature-themed playground, replacement jetty, accessible pathways, new plantings, upgraded picnic facilities and a renewed barbeque.

In recognition of the traditional landowners, a smoking ceremony will be held to pay respect to the land and waters of country.

COVID-19 Event Restrictions

Please register below to join us for a morning tea to celebrate the completion of works, including the opening of a new nature themed playground for children of all ages and abilities to enjoy.

To ensure compliance with guidelines for outdoor gatherings, we ask that you register your interest to attend this event by Tuesday, 8 December.

Once you have registered, our staff will confirm your spot via email. Council is working to ensure all our public events adhere to NSW Health guidelines and therefore places are limited. People who have not received a confirmation email from Council will not be admitted to the event.

Final upgrade photos

Project Background

Wangal Reserve, Mortlake has amazing outlooks over the water and upgrades to the park will ensure it remains a wonderful destination for residents and visitors in the future. The need for upgrades was first identified as part of the Breakfast Point Community Enhancement Plan for the area in 2015.

Since then, our team has worked with the community to understand the needs of park users to design upgrades that best suit the community.

The $1,700,000 upgrades were completed in two stages, details of which can be found below. Stage two works are now complete and the entire park is open for visitors!

Works are now complete and include:

  • Renewal of pedestrian lighting
  • New native planting
  • New sandstone access steps to the beach
  • New picnic shelter and barbecue
  • An indigenous recognition piece
  • A new gravel pathway linking existing paths
  • Punt Park
  • Removal of the old model shed
  • New pathways
  • Native planting

Construction commenced 1 July and is expected to be completed in November 2020, weather permitting. An artist has been appointed and designs are being developed for use on the site.

Works include:

  • New nature playground (including swings and slides)
  • Replacement jetty with kayak access
  • Accessible pathways
  • Planting (including a bush tucker garden)
  • Upgraded picnic facilities
  • Replacement barbecue
  • Group seating area

Progress shots

Final plans

Playground plans