Project Update

Council is pleased to advise that a pedestrian crossing will be constructed, at the Trafalgar Parade and Majors Bay Road intersection. Traffic islands and lighting will also be constructed to improve safety and accessibility.

This is part of Council's Our Futures 2036 Goals to promote the development and maintenance of traffic and pedestrian facilities, as well as TfNSW's "Get NSW Active" Program to enhance safety for pedestrians.

The works are expected to commence in April 2024, with completion expected by June 2024, weather permitting. Council will advise before commencing works, including information about any temporary parking restrictions that may be required.

Generally, works will be carried out between Monday to Friday from 7am to 5pm; however, there may be instance that will require work to be undertaken outside of these hours.

Project Background

We have proposed to enhance safety at the existing pedestrian crossing on Trafalgar Parade, Concord.

As outlined in the below image, it has been proposed to be constructed as a raised pedestrian crossing to reduce vehicle speeds, enhancing road safety.

Kerb extensions have been proposed to improve sightlines for pedestrians. Street lighting will also be upgraded to assist with ensuring pedestrians are visible at night. This proposal does not remove any on-street parking spaces.

We collected feedback on this proposal in December 2022.