This consultation is now closed and feedback is being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who shared their ideas for future public art projects.
Interested in hosting public art on your property? Complete the form below. Priority will be given to locations in or around our town centres, parks, gateways and waterways.
Project background
Public art has the capacity to enliven, invigorate, add value and connection to many of our places across the City of Canada Bay. You may have seen local murals, sculptures, digital art, lighting works, customised street furniture or experienced our spoken word installations adding to the cultural landscape. Each project is developed with local knowledge, in partnership with key stakeholders to create meaningful installations and activities.
We're looking for ideas to shape future public art projects across the City. People have already made some suggestions as part of our Community Strategic Plan consultation – ideas have been summarised in the table below.
Types of art suggested: | Other suggestions: |
Public Art EOI
Have your say
This consultation is now closed and feedback is being reviewed.