The LEP amendment for this Planning Proposal was published on the NSW Legislation website on 11 March 2022.

The Planning Proposal

A Planning Proposal has been received to amend the Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013 (LEP 2013). The Planning Proposal seeks to amend Schedule 1 of LEP 2013. The intended outcome is that the amendment will allow an additional permitted use (business premises) to be carried out within the premises, similar to the other non-residential uses that are already located on the ground floor of the building.

On 26 August 2021, a Gateway Determination was received from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment enabling the Planning Proposal to be placed on public exhibition. Council has been authorised as the local plan-making authority.

Further details are included in the Planning Proposal. You can download the Planning Proposal from the Document Library on this page or the NSW Planning Portal using reference PP-2021-3003.

Make a submission

You are now invited to review the Planning Proposal and provide your feedback via the following methods. Please reference PP2021/0003 when submitting feedback.

  • Email:

  • Mail:

Attn: General Manager,
City of Canada Bay
Locked Bag 1470

Feedback closes at 5pm, 18 October 2021.