Framework adopted
The Place Management Framework was adopted by Council at the 20 June 2023 Meeting after public exhibition from 19 April to 17 May 2023. The final version can be viewed below.
Place Management Framework
Place Management Framework
Our diverse communities are set to grow over the next twenty years by approximately 37,000 people. To ensure Council continues to provide places where people love to work, learn and live Council has created a draft Place Management Framework which will guide Council's place making.
The approach and direction of the Framework comes from Council’s 12 years’ experience in Place Management and seeks to guide future approaches to ensure our local village centres and community hubs remain vibrant and vital. The draft and some case studies of place management in action can be viewed in the document library.
This Framework arose from a resolution of Council to feed back on Local Centres after the Community Strategic Plan consultations were finalised. After reviewing the feedback project officers suggested a principles based framework be used to assist in maintaining the vibrancy of our local centres.
The Framework
The Framework provides background on Place Management and the approach taken at the City of Canada Bay Council, the opportunities in our public spaces across the City and the current Place Making across our areas.
It is proposed that Council uses the following 9 principles when creating place plans which assist in shaping our places: