Project Update - August 2023

7 August 2023

Project Background

At its meeting on 29 September 2022, the Traffic Committee supported a proposed new raised pedestrian crossing on Marquet Street, Rhodes. This recommendation was adopted at the following Council meeting.

The proposed location of the crossing was approximately 6m south of Annie Leggett Promenade. This location was selected to avoid conflicting with occasional service vehicle access to the Promenade, which is privately owned with easements for public access as well as utilities e.g. Ausgrid.

Notwithstanding this, during previous community consultation several requests were made for the crossing to directly align with the Promenade and the associated pedestrian desire line. There is the potential that some pedestrians will not cross at the crossing if it is slightly off the desire line.

Updated Plan

Further investigation was undertaken to understand the feasibility of constructing the crossing directly aligning with the Promenade, as outlined in the attached plan, as this would be a better outcome if feasible in the short term.

The proposed raised crossing directly aligned with the Promenade was reported to the Traffic Committee on 27 April 2023 and adopted at the following Council meeting.

The Council meeting agenda is available on Council’s website. We are currently working on detailed design for the construction which is anticipated to start in 2024.

It was proposed that subject to successful consultation with the private property owners and parties with easements over the Promenade, the new crossing be construction directly aligning with the Promenade. The consultation with the private property owners and parties with easements over the Promenade has been successfully undertaken.

This proposal would not remove any additional on-street parking spaces compared to the previously proposed location approximately 6m south of the Promenade.