This consultation has ended and feedback has been reviewed. A report was presented to Council's Traffic Committee in December 2022, and Council reviewed the outcomes at the February 2023 Council Meeting.
Construction was completed in January 2024.
Project background
In our commitment to sustainability and promoting active transport, we are continuing to expand our bike networks to provide a safe cycling environment for people of all ages and riding abilities.
We proposed to upgrade the existing refuge island on Lyons Road West near Preston Avenue to help pedestrians and cyclists safely cross the road.
As outlined in the below plans, we have also proposed constructing raised continuous footpath treatments across the ends of both Scott Street and Preston Avenue, Five Dock — this would be built similarly to a driveway, providing pedestrians and cyclists priority over vehicles.
The combination of these works will assist pedestrians and cyclists in safely crossing roads in this area. It will provide cyclists with a connection between the area to the north and the new East-West Regional Cycleway, which is currently being constructed and passes along Henry Street.
Some changes to parking restrictions are required to facilitate these upgrades. The details of these changes are indicated by the location of the ‘No Stopping’ signs on the below plans.
We collected feedback on this proposal in November 2022.