1. Read (or listen to) the latest bestsellers

Whether you're looking for bestsellers or independent titles, you can access a wide range of audiobooks and eBooks for free using your library card. Check out our curated collections on Borrowbox and Overdrive eLibrary 24/7, and find a diverse collection of independent, classic and award-winning titles on indyreads.

Each of the above platforms offers different collections, so if you are unable to find what you are looking for in one, try another. All you need is Internet access and a current library card. For BorrowBox and indyreads, you will also need to provide your full date of birth (ddmmyyyy) as a PIN.

2. Stream movies and television shows

You can stream a range of films and television series for free, any time — no subscription required!

3. Stream and download music

Enjoy over six million songs plus the complete local Sony Music Entertainment catalogue for free! Simply head to Freegal Music with your library card number handy, and use your date of birth (ddmmyyyy) as your password. There is no software to download and downloadable files do not expire.

4. Discover your family history

Looking to research your family tree? Ancestry is an important resource to research family history, with more than 1.5 billion names in over 4,000 databases. You can access Ancestry from home for free until 31 December 2021.

A mother and son at a laptop

There's a range of interactive kids resources available online — all you need is your library card.

5. Explore interactive learning tools for kids

There's so much for children to explore online! For vibrant stories read on film, check out the City of Canada Bay Libraries' very own Online Storytime, as well as Storybox — an interactive experience featuring a range of quality Australian stories. For ages 3-11 there's also the colourful and quirky Busythings, a rich online resource covering creative development, problem solving, reasoning, numeracy, communication, literacy and more.

For those little minds wanting to explore the wider world, LOTE Online for Kids is also available and features over 1,000 digital books for kids in more than 35 languages with English translations. Meanwhile, National Geographic for Kids is hard to beat for adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology and space.

Last but not least, kids can access encyclopaedias online for free including Britannica Online and World Book Online.

6. Catch up on the daily news

Browse more than 650 news sources from across Australia with Newsbank. Coverage for most titles starts from as early as the 1980s, 1990s or 2000s, up to the most current issues, with news sources including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian and The Daily Telegraph.

7. Browse online magazines

Over 3,000 popular Australian and international magazines are available with unlimited access for our library members on the Libby app. For children aged 7-12 there is also PK Mag, and those aged 12-19 can enjoy SpineOut!

A group of Concord Council staff. he photograph is taken in the courtyard of Concord Council Chambers, Wellbank Street.

Concord Council staff in 1966. This photograph was taken in the courtyard of Concord Council Chambers, Wellbank Street. Courtesy of the City of Canada Bay Local Studies Collection.

8. Discover the local history of Canada Bay

You can browse through our Local Studies Collection online at any time. There's a wealth of stories to discover, such as the above photo of Concord Council staff from 1966!

9. Take on some professional development

Thinking of starting a business or learning new skills? We have a range of online resources including Infobase Learning Cloud, for those wanting to learn how to use more than 500 applications on both PCs and Macs. You can also learn how to start, finance or manage your business with Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, as well as how to grow, plan and optimise a business/non-profit with Gale Business: Plan Builder.

Preparing for the IELTS test? Road to IELTS is a popular online course designed to help you improve your English language skills and can be accessed via your free library membership.

10. Search for your next read

Struggling to think of what to read next? Find the answer by taking a look at Gale Books and Authors, where you can search and match your reading interests to books, authors, genres or topics. Your library membership also gives you access to Good Reading Online, an Australian resource which includes easy-to-read independent book reviews, author profiles, book trivia and more. Searching for up-to-date biographies, full-text criticisms and reviews on writers from all eras? We also recommend taking a look at Gale Literature Resource Centre for further information on your next literary adventure!

Become a library member

Not a library member? You can join as an online member and receive immediate access to our eLibrary resources by clicking the button below. If you are under the age of 16, please complete the Under 16 Permission to Join form and get it signed by your parent or guardian.