Henley Park to become off-leash dog park

21 May 2020

At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 19 May, a Council report which outlined the consultation feedback and recommended that Henley Park become an off-leash dog park, was adopted.

In summary, Henley Park will become a dog park, with a fence installed along the Flavelle St side of the park. Additionally, a report will be brought back to Council in 12 months time to review the arrangements to make sure they are suitable.

The report recommended:

1. THAT Henley Park (excluding the fenced playground) becomes a permanent off-leash dog exercise area

2. THAT a fence is installed adjacent to the Flavelle Street site frontage.

The report was adopted with the addition of the following item:

3. THAT a report is to brought back to Council in 12 months reviewing these arrangements.

Local residents will receive information on the fence installation in the coming months, with signage, bins and other amenities will be installed also.