Project background
In late 2022 Council consulted the community on a proposal to enhance safety at the existing pedestrian refuge on Harris Road, Five Dock.
As outlined in the below image, it was proposed to replace the existing refuge islands with a pedestrian crossing. It is being constructed as a raised crossing to reduce vehicle speeds, enhancing road safety. Street lighting is also being upgraded to assist with ensuring pedestrians are visible at night.
The median island between the proposed crossing and the roundabout is designed to prevent vehicles from overtaking a bus at the bus stop. Were a vehicle to be allowed to overtake a bus, it would create a safety issue as drivers would not have a clear view of pedestrians using the crossing. This proposal does not remove any on-street parking spaces.
Feedback on this proposal closed on 15 December 2022. Feedback was collected via the following methods:
- Online: feedback form below
- Email: council@canadabay.nsw.gov.au
- Mail: Locked Bag 1470 Drummoyne NSW 1470.
If you have any questions please contact Brendan MacGillicuddy, Council’s Coordinator Traffic and Transport, on 9911 6555.