Plan of Management and Masterplan for Five Dock Park adopted by Council

The draft Plan of Management and Masterplan for Five Dock Park were amended following feedback from the community and were presented to Council on Tuesday 19 October 2021 where they were adopted.

To view a recording of the meeting, click here. The report which was taken to Council can be found here on page 35.

To view the adopted Plan of Management (PoM) and Master Plan (MP), click here. More information and appendices can be found in the document library below.

Project background

In late 2018 we invited park users, the community, and stakeholders to offer their views about Five Dock Park – what they value about the park, how they use the area, issues they feel need attention, and suggestions or ideas about the future of this important area. This feedback was collected to help prepare a new Plan of Management (PoM) and Masterplan (MP) for Five Dock Park and is captured in the Community Engagement Report.

The project was placed on hold pending new legislation. On resumption, a draft PoM and MP for Five Dock Park were developed and these plans were approved by Crown Lands for public exhibition, providing opportunity for further input from users of the park and the community.

The feedback was considered and final draft documents prepared for adoption. The main changes proposed were:

  • Regional Cycle Path – the proposed cycle route was removed from the MP and the action item amended to ‘investigate options for a cycle path through the park which doesn't adversely impact park user safety and activities’.
  • Aboriginal Heritage – to manage any significant aboriginal sites revealed in the future, the relevant action item was amended to - ‘any new Aboriginal Heritage Informational Management System (AHIMS) data be added as an addendum and relevant actions included in reviews of the PoM.’
  • Unused Bocce Court - a new action item was added ‘Explore options to utilise / repurpose the unused Bocce Court’ and similar commentary added to the MP.

You can view the adopted Plan of Management (PoM) and Master Plan (MP) in the document library below.