
About the proposal

The Third Quarter Budget Review was taken to Council on 21 May 2024, where Council endorsed a proposal to provide a financial contribution of $150,000 towards the Livvi’s Place Living Room Project. Read the Council meeting agenda and minutes.

The Livvi's Place Living Room project is driven by the Touched by Olivia Foundation, and aims to create an inclusive community space in Timbrell Park where everyone is welcome.

These funds are proposed to be used to engage a suitable consultant to assist in preparing detailed design drawings that are required to progress the project to tender phase.

Provide your feedback

This proposal was on public exhibition from 31 May - 28 June 2024, in accordance with S356 of the Local Government Act 1993. Once the exhibition period closes, any feedback will be taken to a future meeting of Council for consideration.

Feedback was collected via the following methods:

  • Online: complete the feedback form below
  • Email: council@canadabay.nsw.gov.au with the subject 'Proposed Financial Assistance - Living Room'
  • Mail:

Attn: General Manager,
City of Canada Bay
Locked Bag 1470

Feedback closed at 5pm, Friday 28 June 2024.