5 images of smart energy switch guides

Inner West Community Energy

Inner West Community Energy is a not-for-profit organisation made up of local people who promote energy efficiency options in Sydney's inner western suburbs.

Council is supporting Inner West Community Energy (IWCE) in 2024/25 to engage with our residents to understand the barriers to solar panel installation and provide assistance to residents who are looking to install solar panels on their property but need a little help and advice.

IWCE has developed a series of guides as part of Council's Smart Energy Switch program to help residents get started with making their home more energy efficient. The group also runs free information nights, provides education material and webinars.

How can I get involved?

Keep up to date with scheduled information sessions hosted by IWCE by subscribing to our Sustainable Living Newsletter. This will ensure that you are up to date with upcoming events and other education programs focused on solar power and energy efficiency.

Find out more at innerwestcommunityenergy.org.au or if you have any queries, email environment@canadabay.nsw.gov.au.

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Sreyoshi Mitra

Sustainability Projects Officer

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