We have reviewed and updated our Nature Strip Policy and Community Gardens Policy. Both policies support environmental objectives and targets which have been adopted by Council.

The Nature Strip Policy aims to increase biodiversity across the City through the use of available space outside homes on the nature strip. The Community Gardens Policy encourages people to grow their own food and help reduce waste to landfill while also providing a place for community connection.

Community feedback was considered before the policies were taken to Council for adoption on 1 November 2021. The adopted policies can be viewed via the following links:

Nature Strip Policy

The Nature Strip Policy provides guidelines and a framework for residents to create, install and maintain an authorised nature strip garden in front of their property, on Council land. This updates Council’s previous Nature Strip Policy, which was adopted in 2014.

The new policy recommends a 12-month trial with planter boxes to be included as part of an approval for Nature Strip Planting. This policy update, along with the guidelines, provide guidance for residents to do this whilst ensuring design compliance with Council requirements, risk minimisation and consideration of other uses. It also provides better accessibility options for residents who want to garden on their nature strip.

The guideline document also includes detailed information to encourage planting that supports Council’s Biodiversity Strategy and contains photos and diagrams to assist residents to build a compliant garden.

Amendments following public exhibition

The Nature Strip Policy was amended following public exhibition to further clarify the application and approval process.

Community Gardens Policy

The Community Gardens policy provides a framework and principles for community groups who are interested in establishing a community garden on Council land.

A review of the original Community Gardens policy created in 2012 has led to improvements and clarification of some processes, updates to our license conditions and clear detail about responsibilities and conditions of management. Other changes include the addition of a requirement for a detailed management plan approved by Council, which will help community groups run their community garden.

No amendments were made to this policy following public exhibition. You can view the policy and guidelines on the Document Library on this page.