About Timbrell Park
Timbrell Park is a well activated and valuable recreation and community space featuring:
- Multipurpose sports fields with amenity buildings including toilets
- The iconic all abilities Livvi’s Play playground
- Large passive recreation area
- Covered picnic and barbeque facilities
- Existing off-leash dog area on the western side
- Livvi’s Café with adjacent toilets
- Strong linkage to the Bay Run.
What The Community Has Told Us
Recent off-leash dog consultations
Timbrell Park’s existing off-leash dog area is located at the western side of Livvi’s Playground, however many local dog-owners requested Council to explore the possibility of utilising the south-eastern section of Timbrell Park as an off-leash dog area as they believe it more preferable for dog exercise as it is larger and more protected from
Henley Marine Drive. This area of the park is well utilised sports ground and therefore presented challenges.
The initial trial and consultation was undertaken from Wednesday, 24 October to Tuesday, 20 November 2018, with an extension to the trial undertaken from 18 December 2018 to 17 April 2019.
Over 400 community members provided qualitative feedback during the consultation periods, with strong support for a permanent off-leash dog area at the trial location.
During both trials and consultation periods there was a significant level of community interest and this issue evoked a high level of passion. It was recognised that the views expressed by many dog owners and many sporting stakeholders are in stark contrast, and a viable solution whereby both parties can be provided with their preferred outcome at this particular site was not identified.
Two options were presented at the Council Meeting held on 21 May 2019, with option two, ‘Improve the existing off-leash dog exercise area at the western end of Timbrell Park as well as the existing fenced off-leash dog area in Five Dock Park’ endorsed to be implemented.
Considerations presented for proceeding with this option included:
- There is a very high level of support from sporting clubs, representing a large number of sporting stakeholders
- Management and enforcement of responsible dog owner behaviours within defined fenced areas is considered the most advantageous for the community
- It provides a short-term improvement to the existing conditions whilst the Dogs in Public Places Strategy is completed, noting that it will provide a holistic and strategic approach to increasing the number/availability of off-leash dog areas within the LGA for the community
- Addresses feedback received that the existing fenced off-leash dog exercise area at Five Dock Park is not large enough.
Sydney Water Iron Cove Canal Naturalisation Works
The off-leash dog area at Timbrell Park will be temporary as the channel is in need of repair and the area is part of the future Sydney Water naturalisation project. The naturalisation project will greatly improve waterway health, environmental outcomes and create a more diverse wildlife habitat, by replacing the concreate walls of the channel with natural looking banks comprised of sandstone rocks and diverse native planting.
The design also includes a wetland to improve waterway health and new walking and cycling paths for improved community connections.
The project is currently in the final stages of detailed concept design (view the concept design here). Construction will start in 2021 at the earliest.
What is proposed?
- Seek direction from the community on fencing options including:
- No fencing
- Installing 440 metres of linear fencing adjacent to Ramsay Road, Henley Marine Drive and the eastern footpath positioned west of Livvi’s Café. Estimated cost is $44,000.
- Installing 220 metres of linear fencing adjacent to Henley Marine Drive and the eastern footpath positioned west of Livvi’s Café with the western fence line aligned with New Jersey Road. Estimated cost is $22,000.
- Install a double entry gate, if fenced
- Install the following amenities:
- Drinking water fountain with pet bowl
- Doggy bag dispensers and bins
- Seating.
- Collaborate with the community on obstacles and agility equipment
- Consider the installation of lighting for evening use
- Improve signage.