All Electric Homes in Canada Bay
On 21 May 2024, Council resolved to publicly exhibit a proposed amendment to the Canada Bay Development Control Plan (DCP). The amendment proposes restrictions on implementation of gas in new residential development.
The objectives were to:
a. Reduce indoor air pollutants associated with the combustion of gas to improve the air quality for residential occupants.
b. Reduce the cost to future residential occupants by minimising the need to upgrade gas infrastructure and for ongoing gas connection charges.
The draft DCP was publicly exhibited from Thursday 30 May to Wednesday 26 June 2024.
Consideration by Council
On 16 July 2024, Council considered the draft amendment and the report of submissions made during the public exhibition and resolved to not support the amendment.
The post-exhibition report, including summary of submissions made and the staff recommended response, can be viewed here.
No further action is proposed to be undertaken on this matter.
Please see the Council Meeting Minutes.