Project updates
What's happening?
The City of Canada Bay is creating a new Plan of Management (PoM) and Masterplan (MP) to provide direction and design for future facility upgrades for the Concord Parklands Corridor.
The parklands comprising Edwards Park, Greenlees Park, Jessie Stewart Reserve, Rothwell Park, Queen Elizabeth Park and Goddard Park are all being planned for, with community input on what could be improved, managed and maintained now and into the future.
The corridor has a range of recreational and community uses including passive use parklands, sportsgrounds, paths and walkways, playgrounds, a remnant turpentine forest and stormwater and floodplain infrastructure.
Community engagement - round 1
From 7 June - 9 July 2023, the community was encouraged to share feedback on their usage of the park and improvement ideas for the future. Feedback was collected in the following ways:
- Online: via the survey or 'social map' below
- Email:
- Phone: 1300 115 699
- Email: Locked Bag 1470, Drummoyne NSW 1470 (attention: Open Space Planning)
- In-person at a drop in session