About the Policy
The Community Event Policy was adopted in April 2020. Click here to view.
The policy sets a framework for the events managed and supported by the City of Canada Bay. It seeks to ensure that events run within the City are delivering the vision and objectives of Council’s key plans and policies.
This includes such objectives across:
- Sponsorship
- Sustainability
- Waste
- Transport
- Accessibility
- Risk Management
- Protocols
- Post Event Reporting
- Governance
This policy sets out Council’s approach to delivering community events, event requests on council owned and controlled land and events in council owned facilities. Council also recognises the need to effectively manage the risks inherent in events and to ensure financial and service delivery obligations are fulfilled.
The City of Canada Bay recognises the value and benefits events bring to the community. This is highlighted in Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2018–2030 – YOUR future 2030.
Principles of our Events Policy
The City of Canada Bay is committed to the following principles:
- Our sense of place and of belonging is strong, with our diversity respected and local character promoted in all our vibrant and prosperous villages.
- Council events are a balance of economic, environmental and social factors and consideration is given to all three of these factors
- All council events will meet basic management standards related to risk management, planning and reporting, safety and accessibility
- Consistency of systems and processes ensures that all external stakeholders and providers have the same experience across different events
- Council will act as a role model through council events and as a resource for the community by upskilling event organisers
- All council events endeavour to provide attendees with an amazing experience
Timeline item 1 - complete
Draft policy accepted by Council to go to public exhibition
13 August 2019
Timeline item 2 - complete
Public exhibition of draft policy
29 August - 19 September 2019
Timeline item 3 - complete
Community feedback incorporated into final policy draft
October 2019
Timeline item 4 - complete
Final draft presented at Council Meeting for adoption
April 2019
Timeline item 5 - complete
Policy adopted and launched
April 2020